You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2494 Ugly for a while or forever

Chapter 2494 Ugly for a while or forever
"Will it really be ugly?" Youyou is still very concerned about his appearance, and immediately becomes nervous when he hears the word ugly, "Mummy, I don't want to be short-sighted, and I don't want to wear glasses, Mommy, then I What should I do?"

Seeing that Youyou was about to cry, An Nuan hurriedly comforted him: "Don't cry, it's okay, you may be just pseudo-myopia now, Mommy will take you to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow, if it's pseudo-myopia, when the time comes Just fix it."

"What is pseudo-myopia?" Youyou burst into tears.

"Pseudo-myopia means that it is not real myopia, but it looks like real myopia from the appearance. Real myopia cannot be corrected, but pseudo-myopia can be corrected. It doesn't matter, our right and left are so He's handsome and cute, even if he wears glasses, he won't be ugly." At first, he wanted to scare you with this, but now seeing him so nervous, he couldn't bear it.

There are still tears hanging on the eyelashes of the right and the right, looking very pitiful.An Nuan couldn't help laughing, a person of this age actually likes to cry so much. "Are you so old that you still cry, are you ashamed?"

"Not ashamed." Shaking his head from side to side, wiping away his tears, he said, "I'm still a child, Brother Qi told me that I can cry if I want to." Thinking of what Fu Mingqi had said to him, he smiled Be more shy.

"You really..." An Nuan shook her head and didn't know what to say.

The next day, An Nuan took You You to the hospital early in the morning to have her eyes checked.The result of the examination was similar to An Nuan's expectation, it was indeed pseudomyopia.

After wearing corrective glasses, I looked at myself in the mirror with disgust, "Mum, why am I so ugly when I wear glasses?" How can I be so ugly?He took off his glasses and didn't want to wear them, "Can I not wear them?"

"Of course not." An Nuan helped him put the glasses on, "Youyou, if you wear it now, you only need to wear it for a while. That is to say, you only need to be ugly for a while. But if you don't wear it now, it will be fine. You will have to wear glasses all the time, that is to say, you will be ugly for the rest of your life."

right right: ...

Compared with being ugly for a while and being ugly for a lifetime, Youyou of course chose to be ugly for a while, so he had no choice but to wear glasses.

It is very awkward for people who have never worn glasses to put them on suddenly. When you first put them on, you couldn't get used to them, and you really wanted to take them off.

When Qiqi saw Youyou wearing glasses, he pointed at him and began to laugh, "Haha, little brother, you have become a four-eyed frog. You used to always say that other people wear glasses. Now the feng shui has changed." ? You started wearing it too."

Originally, Youyou's mood had calmed down after being comforted by Annuan all the way, but now that Qiqi ridiculed him like this, his mood immediately fell to the bottom again.

"Qiqi, why did you talk to your brother?" An Nuan stared at Qiqi, she managed to coax the right and the right, but when Qiqi said this, she started to have a headache again.

Sure enough, Youyou's originally smiling face drooped immediately because of Qiqi's words.He didn't speak, just walked into the room silently, and then closed the door silently.

"Mummy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Qi Qi carefully looked up at An Nuan, for fear that she would get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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