You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2498 No way

Chapter 2498 No way

This situation did not just appear for one day, but continued for several days.

Finally, An Nuan began to explode.

After she got up with dark circles under her eyes, she said to Rong Jing with a murderous look: "Brother Jing, I must go and find out what happened to make their family chant sutras all day long. ascended to heaven, right?"

Rong Jing had already inquired about the family's affairs, and she also came to inquire, but she was afraid that An Nuan was afraid and did not tell her.

Seeing her say that this time, he had no choice but to say: "The villa in front of us on the left, whose surname is Gan, do you still have any impression?"

"Surname Gan?" An Nuan thought about it carefully, then nodded, "You're talking about the family that has never been able to have children?"

That villa lived in a couple who were almost in their 30s and their parents. The couple had been married for seven or eight years, but they hadn't been able to give birth to a child.

Both of them have taken a lot of medicine, and they have been to countless hospitals, but for some reason, they just can't have a child.

There should be quite a lot of property in the family. The bigger the family, the more they hope to have children to inherit it. Otherwise, who will hand over so many things when they get old, right?

But things like children are not something you can just want, it depends on fate and opportunity.

An Nuan also met that couple a few times, they were just plain-looking, but they looked pretty good, at least they were kind.

"It turned out to be them. What are they doing this late at night? It's making people panic." As she spoke, An Nuan really felt a little scared, her goosebumps arose, and she hurriedly hid in the room Go into Jing's arms, "Brother Jing, why do I have a gloomy feeling?"

Seeing that An Nuan was scared, Rong Jing smiled, hugged her tightly and said, "That's right, it is said that they had no choice but to find a feng shui master to come and see if the feng shui of this villa is wrong. , that’s why they can’t have children.”

"Look at Fengshui?" An Nuan was amused, "Is this all right? What does it have to do with Fengshui if you can give birth to a child? Isn't this too good?"

"That's not true." Rong Jing continued, "However, the more evil is yet to come.

After seeing it, the Feng Shui master said that their villa had a bloody disaster before it was built.

And the one who died was a child under the age of ten.The child's accidental death is very resentful, and the child's ghost has been wandering around the house and is unwilling to disperse, so it suppresses their fertility.

Therefore, if you want to successfully create a human being, you must invite 49 mages to save the child's resentful spirit between 49 o'clock in the evening and [-] o'clock in the morning every night for a period of [-] days. "

"Ah?" An Nuan was baffled, but the story was really scary, it was a ghost story.

"It's still seven or seven and 49 days?" It's only been about a week until now, and she can't bear it in just one week. If there are really six weeks to endure, she will definitely collapse by then .

"Brother Jing, is there any way to stop them from continuing?"

Rong Jing may have a solution for other things, but this... He shook his head, with a helpless expression on his face, "I really don't know how to solve this."

(End of this chapter)

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