You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2521 Do You Know Who I Am?

Chapter 2521 Do You Know Who I Am?
"Who are you? Why are you here?" The person who came was a professionally dressed woman, about [-] years old, with exquisite makeup, but she was not particularly beautiful, on the contrary she looked acrimonious. An Nuan doesn't know who this person is, but he is dressed like this, so he must be an employee here. "Do you know where this is?"

An Nuan blinked her eyes, feeling that what this man said was very strange.If she didn't know where it was, why was she here?Moreover, this person's tone really makes people feel angry.Narrowing her eyes slightly, An Nuan stared at her for a while, then leaned on the sofa with no business, "Do you care if I know what this place is? Who are you? Do you know who I am?"

The woman who came in was named Dai Ziqing, and she was the director of the finance department who came in last month. Because she was poached here, she has been arrogant and arrogant since she came in.And she is not married yet, when she came into the company and saw Rong Jing, the president of the company, she was immediately attracted by this man.

Of course, Dai Ziqing knew that Rong Jing had a wife and children, but she didn't care about it.She has never been married until now because she has no idea about marriage at all. The principle she pursues is to enjoy life well while alive.She has many boyfriends, and she will take the initiative to attack as long as she likes the one she likes. As for who the other party is, she doesn't care at all.

Although Dai Ziqing's appearance is not outstanding, but her bed skills are very good, and she is naturally charming, so all the men who have slept with her are very attached to her body.

Dai Ziqing believes that men are animals that think from the lower body, and naturally they will not refuse any woman who comes to their door.She thought, as long as Rong Jing had a taste of her, she would never forget it for the rest of her life.Therefore, all she wants to do now is to hook Rong Jing.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at Rong Jing's office, I saw a strange woman in Rong Jing's office, with a very natural and comfortable attitude, and she was definitely not an employee of the company by her clothes.

Dai Ziqing's eyes fell on An Nuan, and he took her for granted as the kind of seductive woman who seduces men.This woman dared to talk to her like that, she really wasn't afraid of death.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Dai Ziqing was very angry, and when he was about to say something more, An Nuan's eyes lit up instantly.She turned around and looked behind her, only to see Rong Jing looking at her with a cold face.

Dai Ziqing opened her mouth to speak, but when she saw Rong Jing's sharp eyes, she was immediately too frightened to say anything.

But at this moment, she was still holding a fluke in her heart, thinking that Rong Jing's attitude was towards An Nuan.

After all, it is said that their president really hates women who come to their door on their own initiative, and he has never shown any kindness to those self-righteous women. This is also the main reason why she has not attacked since she has been in the company for more than a month.

"Brother Jing, you are here." An Nuan stood up and walked to Rong Jing's side with a smile, holding his arm and asked with a smile, "When are we going home?" After speaking, she looked at Dai Ziqing provocatively He raised his eyebrows, looking very smug.

(End of this chapter)

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