You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2556 Safety Chapter 1

Chapter 2556 Safety First
After walking back and forth like this for more than ten minutes, An Nuan thought for a while, then called Shan Yanyan, told her about the matter, and finally said: "Say, who wants to kill me? Too It's scary, I don't seem to have offended anyone recently, I almost pee in terror when I think of what happened just now, my God!" Her heartbeat is still fast, if she didn't hide in time at that time, she might have been caught The person pretending to be is her.

She didn't know what happened to the car, but when she looked back, she found that the car wasn't hit too badly, so even if the people inside were injured, it wouldn't be too serious.

She carefully recalled what she did recently, and no matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn't figure out who she had offended and made the other party want to kill her.

Shan Yanyan was also terrified after hearing An Nuan's words, "What did you say? Someone is going to bump into you? Are you okay?" Pausing for a while, she immediately said, "I can't make it clear on the phone, so now I Go to your side right away, don't go out in the store, wait for me for a while." After finishing speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Shan Yanyan's character is always on the go, no, she arrived in just over half an hour.

As soon as she rushed into the office, Shan Yanyan rushed in front of An Nuan, and when she saw An Nuan, she grabbed her up, down, left, right, left, right, and left to check carefully, and was relieved to see that she was indeed fine. "It scared me to death. I thought you were stunned. Are you sure you didn't offend anyone? Maybe you didn't know who you offended without your knowledge?"

An Nuan thought about it too, but she couldn't figure out who she offended.In the end, I had no choice but to shake my head, "Really not, it's not like you don't know that I have the best personality, and it's too late for others to like me. How could I offend anyone, right?"

That's true, but since someone is bothering her, there must be a reason for it. It can't be because you want to bump into someone on a whim, so you bump into it, right? "Maybe it wasn't you who offended, or it might have something to do with Rong Jing? Think about it first, is the person who hurt you a man or a woman, and does it have something to do with you or Rong Jing? "

Being reminded by Shan Yanyan, An Nuan really thought of someone, but if someone bumped into her because of this, isn't this person's measure too small?
An Nuan told Dan Yanyan about Dai Ziqing, and after listening to it, Shan Yanyan pondered for a moment and said, "I think it might be that person, how about this, you tell Rong Jing and let him look it up Otherwise, if the other party fails this time, they may come up with other methods next time."

After hearing this, An Nuan felt that it made sense, but she didn't want Rong Jing to worry. She originally wanted to solve it by herself, but now that she thought about it, it seemed impossible.

When Shan Yanyan saw An Nuan's expression, she knew what she was thinking, and knocked her on the head, "You, the most important thing now is your safety, okay? You don't tell Rong Jing now, in case you arrive What if there is an accident in time? We must find the source."

"Yes, yes, I understand." There's no other way, so I can only tell Rong Jing, "Oh, I'm really a trouble attractor, why can you find me for everything? It's really annoying It's annoying."

(End of this chapter)

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