You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 282 Unspeakable

Chapter 282 Unspeakable

In math class, the math teacher said that he wanted to comment on the test paper of last week's entrance exam.An Nuan took out the test paper and read it carefully.

The total math score is [-], and she got [-] in the exam, which is considered a very high score.

But when she saw the last question, she suddenly froze.Because she saw that her original answer had been edited, and she was quite messy, obviously edited in a hurry.

The last big question has a high score, with a total of [-] points, but it is also difficult.However, An Nuan had encountered a similar problem, so she knew how to do it, but she didn't expect that the previous formula was wrongly applied, and the following formula was also wrong.If she didn't correct it, she could only get five points for this question at most.

But what surprised her was that she hadn't changed it at all, so who helped her change it?At this time, she suddenly remembered the promise.

Xu Nuo was in the same examination room and in the same row as her, and she left after the test papers were handed in, so she didn't pay attention to whether Xu Nuo helped her correct the test papers, but there was no one else except him.

Thinking that it might be the test paper that he promised to help him correct, An Nuan tightened his grip on the test paper, then turned around.

Xu Nuo was also looking at his test paper, but because his name was not written on the test paper, there was no score there.This is a school rule.But if you don't write your name after handing in the test paper, you will get no grades, no matter how good you are in the test, even if you can get a full score in the test, it is not negotiable.

This is also to cultivate students' good habits. After all, if you forget during the college entrance examination, you will never have a second chance.

"Promise, you..." An Nuan originally wanted to ask if he corrected this question for her, but when she saw that there was no score on his test paper, she widened her eyes in surprise, "Ah, why didn't you points?"

Seeing her turn around, Xu Nuo put down the test paper.At this time, Xu Nuo's deskmate said to An Nuan: "This guy is so stupid, he didn't write his name. In fact, he is very good at mathematics. I even helped him to read it. It's more than 140, almost a perfect score."

Xu Nuo glanced at him and said with his eyes that he was nosy.

An Nuan also felt sorry for him after hearing this, "Fortunately, it's not the college entrance examination, otherwise it would be so troublesome. Why did you forget to write your name?"

Xu Nuo has a habit. Every time the test papers are sent out, the questions are written first, and the name will not be written until the questions are written and checked.Although he also knows that this habit is not very good, but after so many years, there has never been any accident because of his habit, so he doesn't have to force himself to change it.I just didn't expect that the first accident would appear this time.

"If you hand it in too quickly, you forget it." Xu Nuo said indifferently.

"Is that so?" An Nuan didn't continue to ask, but instead asked, "Xu Nuo, did you help me correct my question?" She asked the last sentence very quietly, very close to Xu Nuo .

Xu Nuo looked at her face to face, and he found that her pupils were black, truly black, like black gemstones, black and translucent, sparkling.

"En." Xu promised.

"Sure enough." An Nuan smiled at him, "Thank you, if you hadn't corrected me, I would definitely not get No.5 in the exam. It seems that my grades are all thanks to you. "

"You don't think I'm meddling in my own business."

"How come, you are helping others and you should be praised. However, you must not let the teacher know, or you will accuse us of cheating. Don't say it, don't say it." An Nuan shook her head and shook her head.

Xu Nuo was amused by her cute appearance, thinking that she is really a living treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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