You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 285 Too Abstract Dumplings

Chapter 285 Too Abstract Dumplings

"Your dad told me last night that he wanted to eat dumplings. I thought we hadn't made dumplings for a long time, so I made them once. I rolled out a lot of skins, and there were a lot of fillings. I told your mother , When everything is wrapped, give them some dumplings, so that they can eat dumplings at night." Mother An said.

"Okay, okay, then I'll pack a little more." An Nuan was eager to try.

But Mama An obviously knows how good she is, "Be careful, slow down, and don't get separated again."

"Mom, can we not mention the old things?" An Nuan was depressed.Every time the dumplings she made when she was a child were boiled, the skin, the flesh, and the flesh were clearly separated, so I don’t know how many times she was laughed at.

"Okay, okay, let's not mention it. We Nuannuan have grown up, and we will definitely be able to make dumplings beautifully this time, right?" Mama An was overjoyed.

An Nuan became even darker. What kind of trouble is this coaxing the children?

An Nuan's dumpling-making skills have improved a little bit now, at least when the dumplings she made are boiled in water, they don't fall apart as easily as before.However, the tightness is there, but the aesthetics can't be guaranteed.

So, next to the chubby dumplings that look like gold ingots on Mama An's side, there are many dumplings that can't even be seen in shape, not to mention how funny.

Mother An was very happy looking at the dumplings made by her daughter, "Oh, Nuan Nuan, if this is taken out, who would be able to tell that it is a dumpling? Is the batter sticky?"

An Nuan was upset, pouted her lips, and said angrily: "Whoever said that they can't tell it's a dumpling, brother Jing will definitely be able to see it, and I'll let him see it later."

"It's only your elder brother Jing who can see it." Mother An laughed, and divided half of the wrapped dumplings, and asked An Nuan to take them to Rong Jing's family.

An Nuan took the dumplings and trotted out.

As soon as he ran to the door of Rong's house, Rong Jing knocked on the door.

"My mother said that your family is making dumplings? Let me get them." Seeing An Nuan at the door, Rong Jing took the dumplings, but when she saw two kinds of dumplings that were clearly not made by the same person, her forehead twitched. pumped.

An Nuan followed him in, saw that he had put down the dumplings, and hurried over to point to the unrecognizable prototype of the dumpling she made and asked, "Brother Jing, do you think this is cute?"

Rong Jing looked at her very seriously, and asked, "Do you want me to tell the truth?"

"Of course." An Nuan was angry, "Otherwise you still want to tell lies?"

"Of course not." Rong Jing quickly changed her words, "I just think that this is a kind of art, and it seems a bit inappropriate to describe it as cute, um, it should be described as abstract."

abstract?Brother Jing, are you sure you're not mocking me? "Why abstract?"

"Because the shape can't be seen, isn't it?" Rong Jing said seriously, "Generally, things that are not easy to see the shape can be summarized in abstraction."

Such a normal answer?An Nuan thought he was going to say something explosive.

But in the end, it's still saying that her dumplings are ugly, isn't it? "Brother Jing, do you think the dumplings I made are ugly?"

"Do you think it looks good?" Rong Jing looked incredible.

An Nuan: ... Well, it turns out that his elder brother Jing is really black-bellied.

(End of this chapter)

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