Chapter 49

City A is a very famous tourist city with a good environment and beautiful scenery.

On the first day, Mother Rong took the children around and went to several famous scenic spots.

Because it is summer vacation, there are many people in the scenic area, most of them are students. Of course, there are also parents who bring their children to travel.

This is the first time for An Nuan and Rong Jing to travel far away, so An Nuan is very excited along the way, and every time she sees something interesting and beautiful, she always holds Mother Rong's hand to look at it a few more times.

Rong Jing seemed very calm, she didn't have the kid's novelty about traveling at all.What he watched the most throughout the whole process was not the scenery, but An Nuan.

Along the way, Rong Jing held An Nuan's hand tightly, for fear that she would get lost if she was not careful.

There is a big temple in city A, which is said to be very effective, and many people go to offer incense and pray every day.

Although Rong's mother didn't believe in Buddhism, she thought it would be good to have a look, so she took the children there.

There are indeed many people in the temple, both local and foreign tourists, and the incense is very strong.

The temple is very large and there are many Buddha statues inside.

It was the first time for An Nuan to see real Buddha statues. Some Buddha statues had green faces and fangs, and they looked terrifying. She was a little scared, so she took Rong Jing's hand and hid behind him, not daring to look.

Now that we have arrived at the temple, we should go to worship. Mother Rong went to buy a few sticks of incense, and worshiped a few Buddhas for a while.

Rong Jing looked around, and when she saw one of the Buddha statues, she hesitated for a moment, then took An Nuan's hand and walked over.

There were many people in front of the Buddha statue, and everyone seemed to be waiting to offer incense.

An Nuan asked Rong Jing: "Brother Jing, why do you worship these?" She felt very strange, these Buddha statues are so ugly, why are there so many people bowing down?I really can't figure it out.

"Hush—" Rong Jing made a silent gesture to An Nuan, signaling her to stop talking, "These Buddha statues are very powerful."

"Really?" An Nuan felt that since Rong Jing said she was amazing, she must be really amazing, so she didn't dare to say anything, and she covered her mouth by the way.

"Ah, are you here to seek marriage too?" A girl who looked like a college student asked with a smile when she saw Rong Jing and An Nuan.

"What is marriage?" An Nuan asked Rong Jing.

Rong Jing didn't know how to answer, so she said, "That's...that's boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Oh." An Nuan seemed to understand.

The girl took one more look at Rong Jing, then smiled again, and said to him: "Little friend, why don't you try to ask for a lottery, maybe it will be the best lottery."

An Nuan didn't know what asking for a lottery was, but she didn't ask any more questions and just looked at Rong Jing.

Rong Jing hesitated for a moment, took the stick and shook it vigorously for a while.

A stick fell from the stick, Rong Jing picked it up, and saw that the words "Shangshang Sign" were really written on it.

The girl took a closer look, smiled and said: "The person you like, the person you like. A good relationship is destined to be a previous cultivation, and this life will be a married couple." She said to her companion, "This is a good sign."

Those companions saw it, and they all smiled and said yes.

Rong Jing frowned, put away the lottery carefully, and didn't put it back, let alone untie the lottery, took An Nuan's hand and went to mother Rong.

An Nuan didn't understand what happened, and she didn't know all the words on the sign, so she naturally didn't know the meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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