Chapter 56

An Nuan is in Class One, Grade One. The head teacher is a young female teacher who has just graduated two years ago. Her surname is Luo, and her name is Luo Huixian.She doesn't look too pretty, but she looks pleasing to the eye and is comfortable, and her temper seems to be good, as she always smiles.

In the afternoon, Teacher Luo asked the people in the class to run for class leaders.Children at this age are still very eager for class leaders, because in their small world, class leaders are very powerful positions, and they can take care of other children.

If there is an active candidate, then go to the stage to give a campaign speech, if not, let the teacher choose by himself.

Most of the students in a class are unknown, so everyone is very shy, only one girl took the initiative to go up.

"My name is Meng Zixiang. I am seven years old this year. I am a lively and cheerful girl. I like singing and dancing. I can also play the piano and the violin. I want to be the class monitor. I hope you can support me, thank you." , and bowed to everyone very politely.

Teachers generally prefer active and cheerful students.Sure enough, when Meng Zixiang went down, Teacher Luo looked at her with satisfaction.

An Nuan felt that Meng Zixiang was very powerful, because she was very courageous and dared to speak in front of so many people.However, she didn't seem afraid to go up and talk, but she didn't know what she was going to say.

If Rong Jing was around her, she would definitely ask him for his opinion, but he wasn't there, so she didn't know what to do, and she felt a bit lost.

In the end, apart from the self-recommended Meng Zixiang who became the squad leader, the other class leaders were chosen by Mr. Luo himself, and fortunately, An Nuan also became the class leader and entertainment committee member.

An Nuan didn't know exactly what the entertainment committee did, but she subconsciously thought that as long as she was a class leader, she should be very proud. So, in the next time, when she sat, she straightened her back even more, and listened to the teacher. I also became more serious when I spoke, and I had a sense of self-consciousness that I wanted to take the lead.

When I was in kindergarten, I didn't have to sit so seriously every day. Most of the time, the children played around together.But when I was in elementary school, I had to put my hands on the table every day, keep my legs flat, and listen to the teacher's lectures with a straight waist, and I couldn't move around casually, let alone talk to other children.

Such days are very unbearable for An Nuan.Of course, not only for An Nuan, but also for other children.

After all, I have just started to experience this kind of learning mode. Many children can't stand it, and some of them love to play and move. go.

For this kind of situation, the teachers in the class are probably experienced, and they will not talk or scold. After all, every process needs time to adapt. In most cases, they are reasoning with the children, unless a certain student It's really too disobedient, so I will be a little harsher.

An Nuan is still a child with self-control, even if it is uncomfortable, she can bear it, because she feels that it would be quite embarrassing to be scolded by the teacher in front of so many people.In particular, she didn't want to be seen by Brother Jing in a shameful manner.

Rong Jing was originally a quiet child, and since she was very young, Rong's father would also ask Rong Jing to stand and sit. He straightened and asked him to stand in a military posture and squat, so he just sat quietly. It was no difficulty for him.

(End of this chapter)

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