Chapter 674

On the first day An Nuan came home, she spent half the day at her own house and half the day at Rong's mother's house.

Seeing An Nuan's return, Mother Rong was both happy and sad.

Of course, the happy thing is that An Nuan can accompany them after returning, but the sad thing is that Rong Jing can't come back together.

Although Rong Jing would go home every once in a while, she didn't stay for long, and sometimes she left without even having a meal.

When a child grows up, he always has his own affairs. How can he be the same as when he was a child, staying at home all day, right?
Father Rong said that if Rong Jing really stayed at home with them every day, they themselves would dislike them first.

That's what I said, but how can parents miss their children, right?
Now that Rong Jing hasn't come back, Rong's father and Rong's mother can only give An Nuan the excess fatherly love and motherly love.

"If you want to talk about it, it's better to have a daughter. Look at how caring we are, and how caring we are, and we know how to bring us gifts when we come back. Look at Rongjing, how long has it been since he came home? Every time I call, I'm in a hurry. It's really... "Mother Rong's words sounded like she was complaining and blaming Rong Jing, but if you listen carefully, you will find that she is actually feeling sorry for her son.

All parents in the world hope that their children will become dragons and daughters will become phoenixes. If their children are promising, the happiest ones are naturally parents.

It's just that while I'm happy, I feel sorry for them.

Seeing this, An Nuan hurriedly said: "Mom, Brother Jing actually misses you very much. He always talks about you and blames himself for not spending too much time with you. Brother Jing also told me that when he After I’m free, I’ll take you on a trip together.”

Ever since the two got engaged, Rong's father and Rong's mother asked An Nuan to change her name and call them parents directly, removing the prefix.

In An Nuan's heart, there is no difference between Rong's father and Rong's mother and her own parents, so it's okay to change their names.

It's just that she was somewhat embarrassed at the beginning, but now that she's used to it, it's very smooth, and she doesn't feel any disobedience at all.

Although her words to comfort mother Rong were exaggerated, most of them were true.

And Rong Jing did say that she would take Rong's father and Rong's mother out on a trip, and of course, her parents.

At that time, the two of them will go on a trip together to relax.

They have never gone out with such a large force before, just thinking about it is very exciting.

"Really?" Rong's mother was really coaxed by An Nuan and smiled, "That kid has a conscience. By the way, Nuan Nuan, you said you still have to go to work? It's so hot here, stay at home Why don’t you just go out and work?”

Rong’s mother said this last year, and An Nuan said: “Because I like this job. It’s okay, mom, there is air conditioning, so I won’t be hot. And I’m happy to do what I like. Happy. If I stay at home every day, I will be bored. Does mom want to see mushrooms growing on my head?"

"You child..." Mother Rong shook her head and laughed, she didn't say anything more about this topic, she just changed the subject and said to An Nuan, "Nuan Nuan, let's go to a party with Mom in a week."

"Party, what kind of party?" An Nuan was a little thirsty, picked up the apple on the table and gnawed it.

(End of this chapter)

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