You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 694 Dismissal

Chapter 694 Dismissal
An Nuan thought about it for a while, and without hiding it from her, she directly said to her, "It was Li Wei who pushed me down."

At that time, she was squatting on the ground to tie her shoelaces, when she stood up and was about to walk towards Lingling, she saw Li Wei coming out.

At that time, she was also surprised, why Li Wei would appear here.

As a result, before she could finish being surprised, Li Wei suddenly showed a very ferocious expression when she saw her, stretched out her hand and pushed her hard.

At that time, she was standing on the edge of the steep slope, and when she pushed her like that, one of them lost her footing and fell down.

It's also An Nuan's own fault for being too careless with Li Wei.

But she really didn't expect Li Wei to do such a thing, it's really unexpected.

"Sure enough!" Lingling was so angry when she heard what An Nuan said, her face turned red, "Li Wei is too much, her behavior is tantamount to murder, if you accidentally bumped into it even worse , or what if it was not a steep slope but a cliff? Did she want to kill someone?"

If there is no evidence, Lingling really wants to go to the police.

But even if she called the police, she would definitely not be able to admit it according to Li Wei's character, and she might have to fight back at that time.

Lingling was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, and her stomach was full of fire.

Seeing Lingling so angry, An Nuan knew that she was worried about herself, and her heart was very warm.

She said to Lingling: "Lingling, don't be angry, this matter is endless. I won't let her be bullied for nothing. Since she dares to do such a thing, she has to bear the price, right?"

After hearing this, Lingling knew that An Nuan must have an idea to deal with Li Wei, so she quickly widened her eyes and asked curiously, "An Nuan, what are you going to do?"

An Nuan rolled her eyeballs, smiled slyly, and then leaned into Lingling's ear and told her this and that and that and that.

After listening to An Nuan's plan to rectify Li Wei, Lingling sat on the sofa laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh, Annuan, it seems that I really didn't misunderstand you. You are really a bad person. But it's a good idea. Since she dares to do this, she shouldn't be afraid of our revenge, right? Huh, I'll see what Li Wei should do then." She should also have a taste of the unspeakable bitterness, or else she would really think that everyone else is a soft persimmon.

An Nuan felt that she was fine and went back to work. Cheng Hui was very happy to see her here, but felt sorry for her, and even found a chance to apologize to her.

"Brother Hui, it's not your fault, you don't need to apologize to me." An Nuan is not a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, and she only finds the responsible person.

Cheng Hui sighed, "I didn't know that Li Wei was such a person. I thought she was just troubling you occasionally. Her behavior like this is really... But don't worry, I have fired her. After today, she I won’t be working here anymore.”

This is Cheng Hui's explanation to An Nuan.

An Nuan didn't expect that Cheng Hui would really fire Li Wei, and this incident really touched Cheng Hui's bottom line.

But that's good too, at least she won't have to see people like Li Wei at work in the future, and she will be in a much better mood.

It's just that Li Wei will leave tomorrow, which means that we still need to see Li Wei today.

No, An Nuan has already met her face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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