You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 803 Lost the phone

Chapter 803 Lost the phone
An Nuan couldn't figure out how expensive the food here is. To be honest, the taste was only average, and she couldn't taste how delicious it was.

Especially the Buddha jumping over the wall, nearly a thousand yuan of dishes, I don't know what is in it, An Nuan still thinks the taste is a bit weird, after two bites, I don't eat any more.

Shao Jie commented while eating: "This Buddha Jumping Wall is not authentic. If it is an authentic Buddha Jumping Wall, it tastes very good. How about it, next time I will take you to Xu Fuji. The Buddha Jumping Wall over there is really delicious. It really makes Buddha jump the wall. They all jumped out of the wall to eat."

"Xu Fuji? Where is that?" An Nuan had never heard of this place.

"If you don't know, I'll take you there. Anyway, it's not very far from here, and it's only about half an hour's drive."

"Okay, then it's done."

After eating, Shao Jie had no intention of going back, so he followed An Nuan back to the shop.

When entering the store, An Nuan sprained her foot suddenly and almost fell down.

Seeing this, Shao Jie hurriedly supported her, but An Nuan fell into his arms because of his unsteady center of gravity.

Suddenly there was a small soft body in his arms, Shao Jie didn't know what happened, his heart beat a lot faster at that moment, and the hand holding An Nuan became hotter and hotter, he was reluctant to let go.

"Let go of me, I'm uncomfortable twisting like this." An Nuan didn't notice Shao Jie's abnormality, but felt that the posture of her body falling into his arms made her uncomfortable.

Shao Jie let go of his hand quickly, and when he looked at her again, his expression was a little unnatural.

The reason why he is interested in An Nuan is because he thinks this girl is cute and has a cute personality.

After all, the first impression was too deep, so I remembered her just like that.

After getting along for a while, he felt that this girl made people feel very comfortable. Every time he was with her, it was clear that she didn't do anything special, but she just made people feel comfortable, indescribably comfortable. , still very happy.

Probably because of these, he always came here from time to time.

"Nuan Nuan." A familiar voice suddenly came from behind, An Nuan turned around and saw Rong Jing in the store.

"Brother Jing, why are you here?" Seeing Rong Jing, An Nuan was of course happy, holding his hand and smiling happily, "Have you eaten yet? Why don't you call me? I thought You won't be here at noon today."

If Rong Jing is not busy, she will call An Nuan in advance and tell her that he will have dinner with her. Anyway, An Nuan's shop is not very far from Rong Jing's company, and it takes only 10 minutes to drive there.

"Your phone is off."

"Really?" An Nuan hurriedly flipped through the bag, but couldn't find the phone, "Ah, my phone is missing, could it be stolen?" She simply poured out everything in the bag, The results still did not find the phone.

"Brother Jing, are you sure my phone is turned off?"

If that's the case, her cell phone must have been stolen nine out of ten.She didn't remember anyone bumping into her bag, and no one got too close to her, so why was it stolen?

The more An Nuan thought about it, the more depressed she became, and her good mood suddenly sank down.

It's okay to lose your phone, just buy one.

The key is that there are many photos of her and Rong Jing in the phone, some of which she uploaded to the computer, but some of which were not.

(End of this chapter)

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