Chapter 843 What's the matter
Seeing her pale face, Secretary Li felt guilty for a while, and quickly said, "Miss An, don't worry, the president is definitely fine. Someone has already gone to search and rescue, and the president can swim himself, so he will definitely come back safely."

An Nuan could only comfort herself like this, but she was still very worried.

When the yacht arrived at the place where Rong Jing's accident happened, An Nuan lay on the railing and looked at the sea, wishing she could jump off to find someone.

"Why is there no movement at all? Where are the searchers? Where did they go?" Seeing the calm of the sea, An Nuan's face turned even paler. Could it be...

She shook her head quickly, "No, absolutely not, Brother Jing will definitely be fine." He hasn't proposed to her yet, they haven't held a wedding yet, and as he said, they will grow old together.

So, he's sure to be healthy and safe.

An Nuan kept comforting herself like this, but her heartbeat became faster and faster, and she became more and more nervous.

I don't know how long it took, but finally there was movement on the sea.

An Nuan raised her heart, held her breath and looked at the moving place.

Then, An Nuan saw a few words suddenly appear in the place where there was movement, and she didn't know how it was done, the water surface floated twice, and a string of words appeared just like that.

An Nuan, marry me.

These are the six words that An Nuan saw, and she was suddenly dumbfounded.

How is this going?Could it be that……

An Nuan froze in place, completely unaware of how she should react.

Then she saw the words gradually fade away until they disappeared.

But then, it seemed that a group of fish swam over, and each fish seemed to have a rose tied to it, and then miraculously, these fish actually formed a love pose.

Oh my god, are all these fish fine?
There is only one thought in An Nuan's mind now, it is even more miraculous than magic.

Before the matter was over, An Nuan suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind. Looking back, she found that it was Shan Yanyan, Zhuang Xiao and Hu Bingyue, as well as Zhang Zhixin and Zhu Yingtai.

"How could you..." How could she have no idea that they were here, what was going on?

"Aren't you surprised to see us?" Zhu Yingtai smiled and walked over, holding An Nuan's hand, "Honey, today is the time for us to witness a miracle, you wait patiently, the surprise is yet to come."

Then, An Nuan saw the fireworks that Shan Yanyan took out from nowhere, lit them and set them on.

Watching the fireworks in broad daylight certainly doesn't show the effect. An Nuan was still thinking why not come at night if the fireworks were set off, but she saw a helicopter flying not far away.

An Nuan immediately thought, Rong Jing shouldn't be on it, right?

Just after thinking this way, An Nuan saw a very plain couplet hanging from the helicopter.

The first couplet is: I love An Nuan, life after life.

The second line is: Marry Rong Jing, happy forever.

The banner is: Let's get married.

An Nuan immediately felt dumbfounded, brother Jing is really... but the touch in his heart is so obvious.

I thought Rong Jing was in the helicopter, but the helicopter just circled the top of the yacht a few times, and then flew away.

"Where's Brother Jing?" An Nuan asked the good sisters behind her.

"Look, it's over there." Zhuang Xiao pointed to the front and said.

(End of this chapter)

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