Chapter 847
"Brother Jing, I really gained a lot of weight." Seeing that the wedding was about to be held in a month, An Nuan was depressed to find that she had actually gained weight, especially in the lower abdomen, where it was obvious that she was fat Not a lot.

Touching the flesh on her stomach, An Nuan secretly vowed that she must lose weight in this month, otherwise she wouldn't be able to wear the dress she tried on by then.

"Are you fat?" Rong Jing came over and circled her waist with her hands, "No, the waist is still so thin."

This remark comforted An Nuan a little, even if she knew that Rong Jing was lying to her, it didn't matter.

"Really? Then you say I need to lose weight?"

"Why lose weight? It's not easy for you to gain weight. Why are you still trying to lose weight?" Rong Jing didn't like that she was too thin, so she felt awkward when hugged. So soft and comfortable, isn't it?

Even though Rong Jing's words made An Nuan very happy, but when she thought of getting married, she still decided to lose weight.

So, in the next few days, she began to implement her weight loss plan.

Now that the weather is cold, it is impossible for her to get up early in the morning to run, so she can only try to move herself as much as possible during the day, for example, go out for a walk after meals to eliminate food, and run around the community twice at night some type of.

Seeing her working so hard, Rong Jing couldn't laugh or cry.

It is clear that there is no flesh, and it is not easy to see with the naked eye, but he still cares so much.

Sure enough, girls are quite picky about their bodies.

Panting and coming back from running, An Nuan took a big sip of water.

"Brother Jing, I'm hungry." Hungry after running, this rhythm is really quite good.

Rong Jing even wondered what the meaning of her running was, she shook her head and went to the kitchen to order a bowl of noodles for her.

What Rong Jing cooked for her was seafood noodles, with several prawns in it, and they were all peeled off.

The seafood noodles made by Rong Jing, An Nuan, usually like to eat very much, every time I eat, I can eat a big bowl, but now I smell the seafood inside, I don't know why, I suddenly feel nauseous, so I hurried away Went to the bathroom.

Lie on the toilet and vomited twice, but didn't vomit anything, but just felt uncomfortable.

An Nuan thought she was sick, and showed a pitiful expression to Rong Jing who came to check the situation: "What should I do, Brother Jing, I seem to be sick and feel uncomfortable."

Rong Jing brought boiling water for her to rinse her mouth, touched her forehead, "What's uncomfortable?"

An Nuan pointed to her stomach, "I feel sick to my stomach, I want to vomit." She couldn't tell, since she just didn't feel well anyway.

Rong Jing was worried about her health, so she checked the time and it wasn't too late, so she planned to change her clothes, "Go to the hospital for a checkup later."

"Go now? Farewell, let's do it tomorrow. Maybe I'm just tired after running, maybe I'll be fine tomorrow?" An Nuan doesn't want to go to the hospital at night, otherwise who knows How late is it going to be?She is already feeling sleepy now. "Want sleep."

Seeing her sleepy eyes, Rong Jing had no choice but to let her go to bed first.

Early the next morning, after An warmed up, she was sent to the hospital under the pressure of Rong Jing, and she didn't even eat breakfast, because she couldn't eat breakfast if she needed a blood test.

In the car, An Nuan was still muttering that Rong Jing wouldn't give her food.

(End of this chapter)

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