You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 859 It's Time to Get Married

Chapter 859 It's Time to Get Married
"Yeah, Rong Jing is not allowed to go to Nuan Nuan's store now, for fear that there will be too many animal bacteria in the store." Shan Yanyan sandwiched a piece of ribs for Xu Nuo, and asked, "What can you do with her?"

"I bought gifts from abroad and came back. I didn't make it to her wedding, and I still have to make up for the wedding gifts."

"Isn't it simple? Just go to her house and find her."

"Then you don't worry?"

"Why am I not at ease?" Shan Yanyan rolled her eyes, "Ren Annuan is married and pregnant now, if I am not at ease, am I too tired to be with you? Promise, you Ah, you can only be with me, don't think about anything else, you know?"

This kind of Shan Yanyan looks a little sly and clever, which is very pleasing to look at.

"Yes, I'm really miserable. I can only be tied to you for the rest of my life. Oh, what a pity."

Shan Yanyan was amused by his exaggerated expression, and cast a glance at him, "It's all right, don't act for me, eat soon, it's going to be cold."

The next evening, Xu Nuo went to An Nuan's house to find her.

An Nuan is watching TV, Rong Jing is cooking in the kitchen, this kind of scene is just the opposite in Shan Yanyan's house.

When she opened the door and saw that it was Xu Nuo, An Nuan was surprised, "Xu Nuo? Aren't you on a business trip abroad?"

"I'm just on a business trip, and I'm not an immigrant anymore. Why, you still don't allow me to come back?" Xu Nuo thought it was funny, and when he walked in, he could smell the aroma of vegetables, and he knew who was in the kitchen without thinking.

Speaking of it, Rong Jing is really kind to An Nuan, and she really loves An Nuan in her hands.

There is someone who loves her so much with her, Xu Nuo thought, he has nothing to be reconciled to.

"This is a gift I brought back from abroad. See if you like it. Treat it as my belated wedding gift."

"Gifts?" An Nuan liked receiving gifts the most, and immediately opened the box.

Inside the box was a pair of very delicate gold bracelets, and they looked like they were worn by children.

"How can I buy a pair?" An Nuan was puzzled, "One is enough."

"Good things come in pairs, so if you want to buy one, you have to buy a pair." Xu Nuo glanced towards the kitchen, "You are really comfortable now, the majestic CEO actually cooks for you in person."

"That's right, I'm the Empress Dowager Cixi." An Nuan joked, and asked Xu Nuo after putting away the gift, "By the way, Xu Nuo, when are you and Yanyan going to get married?"

"Me and her?" Xu Nuo hadn't thought about this question yet, "Wait a little longer, we are still young."

"Young is young, but you have been together for many years. If you can, get married, right? Anyway, you are going to get married anyway."

There are four people in their dormitory, she and Hu Bingyue are married now, Zhuang Xiao and Cheng Hui have also set a wedding date, which will be in March next year, and now only Shan Yanyan and Xu Nuo have not yet officially settled.

It's not that Xu Nuo doesn't want to marry Shan Yanyan, he knows that he and she will definitely get married, but he doesn't know why, he just doesn't want to get married so early.

"Wait a little longer, anyway, whether we are married or not, our living conditions are similar to the present, and it's not bad for such a certificate, is it?"

That is to say, but Shan Yanyan is her good sister after all, she knows that she definitely hopes to marry Xu Nuo sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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