You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 86 You Are My Santa Claus

Chapter 86 You Are My Santa Claus
As soon as An Nuan woke up, she hurriedly got up to look at her socks before she fully opened her eyes.

"Ah, there is really Santa Claus." Seeing that there were gifts stuffed in the socks, An Nuan was so excited, she took out the presents and said to Rong Jing who woke up, "Look, this is Santa Claus A Christmas present for me. I told you to hang up your socks, so you’re at a disadvantage now, aren’t you?” She had a smug expression on her face, not to mention how cute she looked.

Rong Jing put on her clothes, took her hand and returned to the quilt, "Change quickly, don't catch a cold."

Because seeing the Christmas gift, An Nuan was in a very good mood. She was smiling all morning, and the corners of her mouth didn't even come down.

After breakfast, An Nuan opened the Christmas present and saw a Doraemon inside.

Doraemon is very cute, with small round fists and a button on its stomach.An Nuan pressed the button curiously, and heard a sentence from inside: "Hello, I am Doraemon. I have magical magic. From now on, no matter what wishes you have for me, I will help you." Done, you are my big bear!"

Hearing this, An Nuan was overjoyed, and started rolling on the bed with Doraemon in her arms.

When Rong Jing saw it, she also smiled.

Not long after Christmas, An Nuan caught a cold.

An Nuan's nose was red, her eyes were red, and she looked listless, very pitiful.

Seeing An Nuan like this, Rong Jing felt distressed.

"Nuan Nuan, drink the medicine." Rong Jing brought An Nuan the decocted medicine for her to drink.

An Nuan sniffed it, and wrinkled her nose, "It's bitter, isn't it?"

Every time she catches a cold, it is very difficult for Annuan to recover, and she has to struggle for several weeks to recover.And those western medicines are useless to her, but the traditional Chinese medicine works faster, so mother Rong buys traditional Chinese medicine and decocts them for her to drink.

But Chinese medicine is bitter, even adults can't stand the bitter taste of Chinese medicine, let alone children, right?Fortunately, An Nuan is still obedient, even if the traditional Chinese medicine is very bitter, she can drink it.

"It's very bitter, it's okay, I'll drink it with Nuannuan." After speaking, he took a sip by himself.

An Nuan was taken aback, quickly brought the medicine bowl over, and complained: "Brother Jing, you are not a child anymore, why are you drinking all the medicine?" What if something goes wrong?I'm really ignorant.

Rong Jing smiled, watching An Nuan wrinkle her nose and finish a bowl of medicine with difficulty.

"Nuan Nuan is awesome." Rong Jing praised An Nuan, and then went out with the medicine bowl.

An Nuan took out the Doraemon she received at Christmas and listened to the movement outside.When she felt that Rong Jing was about to come back, she quickly said to her Doraemon: "Doraemon, Doraemon, I want to eat a big box of chocolates, can you make it out for me? "

Sure enough, Rong Jing, who wanted to push the door in, stopped outside the door after hearing what An Nuan said, with a troubled expression on her face.

An Nuan smiled, and when Rong Jing came in, she pretended nothing happened.

Within two days, Doraemon fulfilled An Nuan's wish and placed a large box of chocolates beside her bed.

When An Nuan saw it, she was so happy that she couldn't see her teeth, "Brother Jing, you are so kind, I knew you were the best." When she got excited, she couldn't hold back and kissed Rong Jing.

Rong Jing had no choice but to rub her hair, "Little villain, you clearly know that Doraemon was given to you by me, don't you? And you deliberately made a wish on Doraemon." At first he thought she was really Been lied to.

An Nuan stuck out her tongue and rubbed Rong Jing's neck. Well, of course she knew that Santa Claus did not exist, but her brother Jing was her Santa Claus and also her Doraemon.

(End of this chapter)

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