You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 864 Natural birth or caesarean section?

Chapter 864 Natural birth or caesarean section?
As for the nickname, it was naturally chosen by An Nuan and Rong Jing.

Rong Jing has no experience in naming children, but since it's a nickname, it doesn't matter, as long as it can be called smoothly.

After thinking for a while, Rong Jing said, "Otherwise, it's called left, right, left, right?"

"Left, left, left, right?" An Nuan read the two nicknames once, and thought it was not bad, "Okay, let's call them left, right, left, right."

During An Nuan's pregnancy, Shan Yanyan, Zhuang Xiao and Hu Bingyue would often visit her.

Among them, only Hu Bingyue has the experience of being a mother, so she often teaches An Nuan some mothering lessons.

"Children are actually very smart and sensitive. When they are in their mother's womb, they can feel many things. Just like the little guy in my family, not to mention how shrewd they are, they play tricks on his father every day. When Hu Bingyue talked about the little Miaomiao at home, she found it both funny and helpless.

Mo Yan is such a strong and shrewd man on the outside, but in front of his own son, he is absolutely despised.

"I think so too. Children nowadays are amazing, they are much smarter than adults. Why are they both sons? Wouldn't it be great if they were twins? In this way, we will have both sons and daughters. And I I still prefer girls, girls are so attractive, and you can still dress her up, so that she will be as beautiful as a princess." Shan Yanyan touched An Nuan's belly, "This belly is really big, you You must be very tired now, right?"

An Nuan nodded, "Tired is quite tiring, but when I think that these two are my babies, I don't feel tired anymore." This is probably the strength of being a mother.

Before she became pregnant, An Nuan doubted whether she could be a good mother, but now, she still has confidence in herself.

She believed that she would be a good mother and take good care of her two children.

"Every mother is great. I am a little tired now, but after the child is born, you will feel very happy. When I was pregnant with Miaomiao, I vomited all day and couldn't eat, but I still felt Very happy." Hu Bingyue said to An Nuan, "You are twins, it will definitely be more difficult when you give birth, if it is really not possible, you'd better choose a caesarean section."

"But isn't it good to have a natural birth? It's good for both the child and the mother."

"Spontaneous delivery is indeed healthier, but giving birth to twins is inherently risky. Natural delivery is of course a natural delivery, but if it's too hard at that time, it's better to have a caesarean section."

An Nuan also nodded, "I have discussed this issue with Brother Jing, and Brother Jing also suggested that I have a cesarean section, but I still want to have a normal delivery." The main reason is that the cesarean section will cut a knife in the stomach. Thinking about An Nuan, I feel very scary .

She still hopes to have a normal delivery, and I heard that the mother will recover faster if the delivery is normal.

When several women got together, they began to discuss the topic of childbirth and children.

After discussing for a long time, Zhuang Xiao interrupted the topic in time.

"Stop talking now, otherwise An Nuan will be even more flustered."

An Nuan was really flustered, because she knew that giving birth was very painful.

She has been afraid of pain since she was a child, and she can yell for a long time at the slightest pain. Now she is really worried about what she will do when she gives birth.

Seeing this, Hu Bingyue comforted her: "It's okay, it will pass in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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