You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 872 Wake Up

Chapter 872 Wake Up
It was already night when An Nuan woke up, she opened her eyes and saw Rong Jing looking at her.

"Brother Jing..." An Nuan's voice was still weak, and she didn't have much strength in her body, so she felt a little struggling to speak.

Seeing that she woke up, Rong Jing immediately asked: "Nuannuan, how are you doing? Is there any discomfort? Wait a minute, I'll call the doctor."

In fact, the doctor told him that An Nuan is fine now, as long as he recuperates well and rests, he will be fine.

But Rong Jing was worried, and still wanted the doctor to confirm again.

After the doctor came over, he checked An Nuan carefully, and assured Rong Jing again and again that he was relieved that she was really fine.

After the doctor left, An Nuan smiled at Rong Jing, but when she saw the dark circles around his eyes and his tired face, her heart ached again.

"Brother Jing, haven't you ever had a rest? Don't worry, the doctor said I'm fine? Go and have a rest."

Just then, An's father and An's mother came over and brought food.

"Nuan Nuan woke up?" Seeing An Nuan woke up, An's father and An's mother hurried to the hospital bed, "Nuan Nuan, are you okay? Are you feeling better now?"

An Nuan showed a slightly weak smile, "Well, parents, don't worry, I feel fine, I'm fine."

Mother Ann couldn't help crying, she almost planned for the worst, luckily, God bless.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, are you hungry? You took so much effort to give birth, must you be hungry? I brought you chicken soup, drink it while it's hot." Then she said to Rong Jing, "Little Jing, you haven't slept all day and night. No matter how good your body is, you can't bear it. Hurry up and eat something and have a good sleep. An Nuan has me and her father here. If your body breaks down , who will take care of Nuan Nuan next, right? Be obedient and go to rest."

Rong Jing didn't want to leave An Nuan, didn't want her to leave her sight, but she couldn't ignore what An's mother said, so she sat beside her and ate something, and lay down on the hospital bed next to her, planning to close her eyes and rest for a while, waiting for An Father and mother Ann got up after they left.

As a result, as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep in a short time.

Seeing this, An's mother was also very distressed.

"By the way, Nuan Nuan, you haven't seen the children yet, have you? Let me tell you, they are very cute. I went to see them with your dad. The older one looks like Xiaojing, and the younger one looks like you. "In fact, how can a newborn child look like? The eyes and nose have not yet opened, but Mama An is so powerful that she can tell who looks like whom.

Speaking of children, An Nuan really wanted to see her children, "Mom, can the children come here?"

"Of course, I'll go and hug them right away. When you get better, you can breastfeed them yourself." Mother An went to hug the baby after she finished speaking.

An's father waited for An's mother to leave, and said to An Nuan, "Nuan Nuan, thank you for your hard work."

An Nuan shook her head, "Dad, it's not hard." This is her child. As a woman, it is only natural for her to have children for the man she loves.

And when she was born, she really didn't feel hard.

At that time, she just wanted to give birth to the child, even if she gave up her own life, she wanted to let her child come safely and see the world.

(End of this chapter)

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