You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 893 An Nuan Is Missing

Chapter 893 An Nuan Is Missing

An Nuan thought to herself, if she and Brother Jing had been married since birth, they could really have a diamond wedding.

A diamond wedding, just thinking about it makes people feel very romantic.

Rong Jing also imagined the scene of another wedding with An Nuan when she was gray-haired, and was inexplicably moved by that scene.

"Okay, let's have a wedding then."

I don't know if it's An Nuan's illusion, she always feels that someone is staring at her, but every time she looks back, she doesn't see anyone suspicious.

She knew that the people Rong Jing sent to protect her had followed her all the time, so she wasn't too worried.

Winter is here, An Nuan wants to buy clothes for the little ones, so she asks Shan Yanyan to go with her.

Shan Yanyan and Xu Nuo are also getting married soon, in March next year.

They finally settled down, and An Nuan was very happy.

Shan Yanyan plans to have children after she gets married, so now she is quite interested in children.

"Tell me, what should I pay attention to if I want to prepare for pregnancy?" Shan Yanyan asked while accompanying An Nuan to look at the child's clothes.

An Nuan didn't know about this, because her pregnancy was considered an accidental pregnancy, and she wasn't ready for it at the time.

Moreover, she usually takes good measures when she is with Rong Jing. The reason why she is pregnant is probably because Rong Jing made a fuss with her in the bathroom a few times.

"Go online and check, anyway, just do what you should do and don't do what you shouldn't?" It's actually quite convenient to buy clothes for the twins. Seeing the two little guys wearing exactly the same clothes, no matter what they wear, they are cute . "What do you think of this set?"

What An Nuan took a fancy to was a set of sky blue clothes, with a pair of cute little wings on the back, it must be very cute to wear.

"It's very cute, I must buy it, and I will take more photos at that time. If I put it in the evening, it will definitely cause a sensation among a large number of women." She is so handsome and cute, if she still wears this kind of clothes, she will really be cute. His face was bloody.

An Nuan smiled and bought it.

After shopping all afternoon, An Nuan found that she had bought a lot of clothes for the two little babies, but she forgot to buy them for Rong Jing.

According to Rong Jing's stinginess, if she finds out that she forgot about him when she was shopping for clothes after returning home, she will definitely take her anger out on the children.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly went to the men's clothing department to pick out two sets of clothes for Rong Jing.

"Take it, I'll go to the bathroom." An Nuan gave the clothes to Shan Yanyan, and went to the bathroom by herself.

Shan Yanyan waited outside for a long time, but An Nuan didn't come out, thinking, did she fall or something?
She originally thought that An Nuan might be getting a tuba inside, but when 10 minutes had passed and An Nuan hadn't come out, she felt that something was wrong.

After thinking about it, she called An Nuan, but her bag was also in her hand, and the phone rang happily from her bag.

Shan Yanyan simply walked into the women's toilet and yelled twice: "An Nuan, An Nuan?"

There were quite a lot of people in the toilet, but An Nuan couldn't hear her voice, but the other party didn't respond at all.

In this way, Shan Yanyan really panicked.

She told herself to calm down, and then opened the doors of the toilet cubicles one by one, but she didn't find An Nuan inside, so she quickly called Rong Jing.

After connecting, Shan Yanyan still couldn't hold back her panic, and said to Rong Jing in a crying voice: "Rong Jing, Nuan Nuan is gone."

(End of this chapter)

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