Chapter 897

This is the first time a victim has spoken to him with such a tone and expression.

The women who were captured before, didn't cry and panic every time they faced him.

Only she, except for the panic she showed at the beginning, was quite calm at other times.

Such a result is not what he is happy to see, what he wants to see is the scene of those women crying and begging for mercy in front of him, definitely not like An Nuan.

"You... ah..." The man reached out to touch An Nuan's face, but his neck hurt, and when he touched it, it was full of bright red blood.

An Nuan hit him with all her strength, and then ran out quickly.

Running out of the room, An Nuan saw that it was actually a basement, and there was a long underground passage outside.

An Nuan didn't care about anything else, she just kept running forward.

She has only one thought now, she must not be caught by him, otherwise, she will only die.

But after being hungry for three days, she didn't have much strength at all, and she was out of breath and unable to run after running far.

After stopping to rest for a while, An Nuan heard footsteps catching up from behind. She turned her head and saw that the man had already caught up. Seeing this, she seemed to be filled with strength, and she moved quickly. run forward.

When she saw the exit, An Nuan seemed to have seen the dawn, and ran desperately in the direction of the exit, but before she reached the exit, she was caught by that man.

"You want to run, don't you? None of the women I've captured has escaped from my grasp, so you can rest." After speaking, he strangled An Nuan's neck and dragged her back.

An Nuan kept struggling, she felt that she was about to lose her breath, and her consciousness began to blur.

But vaguely, she seemed to see a voice coming from outside, and she even seemed to hear Rong Jing's voice.

She is quite sensitive to Rong Jing's voice, but now she is not sure, because she is worried that she has auditory hallucinations.

"Brother Jing, brother Jing..." An Nuan silently called Rong Jing's name.

Seeing An Nuan being grabbed by a man with blood on her body, Rong Jing's expression became fierce all of a sudden.

He wanted to go forward, but was stopped by the police officers who followed him.

"Mr. Rong, let us handle this first, is that okay?"

This police officer is the captain of the criminal police brigade, and he is very decent and capable. He also found out the news about An Nuan this time.

Although Rong Jing was worried about An Nuan, she also knew that it would be better to leave the situation to the police.

He took a step back, his eyes still fixed on An Nuan's body.

Probably because Rong Jing's gaze was too eager, An Nuan's consciousness gradually recovered, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Rong Jing not far away.

"Brother Jing..." An Nuan had no strength in her whole body, and her words were weak and barely audible.

But Rong Jing still heard it.

He tried his best to restrain himself, so he couldn't hold back from rushing forward.

The man holding An Nuan pushed her to the ground, looking at the person in front with a relaxed expression.

He didn't expect that these people were really capable, and they were able to find this place.

The reason why he is so confident that he is not afraid of being found by the police is because he is confident that his stronghold is quite safe.

Because, his underground passage was built underground on an unknown mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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