You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 917 is arrogant and unreasonable

Chapter 917 is arrogant and unreasonable

"What's wrong with jumping the queue? Do you want to take care of it?" The middle-aged woman's attitude was very arrogant, and she seemed a little superior. I really don't know what she was arrogant about.

"Isn't it just a broken mobile phone? If you drop it, you will drop it. At worst, you will have to pay for it again. A little girl who has never seen the world is like this. She loves to care about everything. I really don't know how my parents taught me."

An Nuan was amused by this man's words, how could there be such an unreasonable person now?
Obviously she was the one who bumped into her and caused her phone to drop and jumped in the queue openly, but now it's all right, but she still said it was her fault, that she was fussy?
"Auntie, you don't care how my parents taught me. I'm just curious, what kind of children will be taught by you. I don't care about the mobile phone with you, but you jumped in the queue I can't ignore the matter, so many people are queuing here, can you please line up in order at the back?" An Nuan didn't want to quarrel with this kind of person, but she didn't want to condone such a person to be arrogant, she really regarded her I grew up eating cotton candy.

The reason why there are more and more people who are unreasonable and do not follow the order is because too many people indulge them.

People are afraid of trouble, even if they see injustice, they are afraid of being in trouble, so they bear it and endure it, making these brazen people more and more shameless.

The woman was stimulated by the word "Auntie", and her voice became sharper.

"Who do you call auntie? You **** keep your mouth clean for me, do you know who I am? Do you believe that I can find a group of people to teach you a little girl in minutes? If you apologize to me, I will not care about this matter with you, if you don't apologize to me, believe it or not, I won't let you out of this supermarket."

"Oh, I'm so scared." An Nuan deliberately shrank her neck, and said with a smile, "Auntie, if you really have the ability, you can go call someone. But I kindly remind you, this world is better than you than you There are too many powerful people, so don’t accidentally kick the iron plate one day and make you go crazy.”

Seeing An Nuan's completely unafraid appearance, the woman felt a little uncertain.

Of course, what she said just now was just talking. How could she have such great ability? If she really had it, she wouldn't come to the supermarket to buy things by herself and have to wait in line to pay.

But she felt that maybe An Nuan was just pretending, so she regained her confidence.

"Okay, you wait, I'll call someone now." The woman took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call, but another woman came out next to her, pointed at her and said, "No matter what you want to do now, please go to the back of the line first Shall we go?"

An Nuan glanced at the woman who spoke, she was quite young, not very old, maybe two or three years older than her.

When An Nuan was arguing with this aunt, the people around were all in the attitude of watching the show, and no one came out to speak for An Nuan.

An Nuan herself is very used to such situations, after all, she has experienced a lot.

But it's rare to meet someone who is willing to speak out, and she has a good impression of her right away.

When the aunt wanted to say something, the woman said again: "I'm a reporter, if you keep arguing, I'll put you in the news."

(End of this chapter)

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