You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 922 Wedding Gift

Chapter 922 Wedding Gift
Rong Jing looked at her with a doting smile, and suddenly remembered something, "This time, let's go out to play on your birthday, how about it?"

"Go out and play, where are you going to play?"

"Go to a fun place to play."

Seeing Rong Jing's expression, An Nuan knew that the place she was going to play this time must be really fun, so she became even more curious, "Brother Jing, do you have any plans? Where are you going, what are you going to do, take the children there ?"

"What do you do with the children?" Rong Jing showed a very disgusted expression, "Can you still play with them?"

An Nuan: ... Please, is that your biological son?Can you stop talking about them in such a disgusting tone?

Be careful that they won't recognize you as your daddy after they hear it. Don't think she doesn't know that Rong Jing is very happy every time she hears the children call "Daddy".

"Brother Jing, can you reveal a little bit, where are we going to play?"

Rong Jing didn't whet her appetite this time, and said to her: "Didn't you always want to go to Myanmar with me? I will go there in October this year, which is considered a business trip. By the way, how about taking you there?"

"Really?" An Nuan wanted to go to Burma with Rong Jing very early on, but at that time Rong Jing refused to let her go because of the danger there, she remembered that she was still depressed for a long time.

Now that I can finally go, An Nuan is of course very happy.

"Okay, okay. But brother Jing, since you are on a business trip, will you be very busy?"

"No, there are not many things. The business trip is just incidental, mainly to take you to play."

"That's it..." An Nuan was very satisfied, and laughed, "Brother Jing, why are you so nice? I like you so much, I really love you to death. Hmm—"

Rong Jing agreed to Fang Hui's request for an exclusive interview, but also asked their magazine not to publish his frontal photos, he could only accept side photos at most.

Fang Hui agreed without thinking.You know, it's not easy to invite Rong Jing, let alone a profile photo, even if it's a back photo, she can agree.

After all, as long as the word "Jing Nuan Jewelry President" is enough to attract attention, she believes that the sales of their magazine will definitely increase rapidly next month.

The boss of the Youth Daily magazine office was also very happy, Fang Hui also praised her even more, and promised to give her a promotion in the near future.

This is of course a good thing for Fang Hui, and he is even more grateful to An Nuan in his heart.

After all, without her help, it would be impossible for Rong Jing to agree to her interview.

Sure enough, the sales volume of Youth Daily's magazine this month was almost out of stock because of Rong Jing's appearance, and the magazine even specially reprinted it once for this purpose, which finally avoided the situation of short supply in the market.

As a result, Rong Jing and Jing Nuan Jewelry came into the sight of more people.

Just as the National Day is coming soon, Jing Nuan Jewelry launched many new styles and activities, which attracted many people to buy.

Lingling got married during the National Day, and the wedding gift An Nuan gave her was a set of jewelry from Jing Nuan Jewelry, which was very valuable.

After receiving this set of jewelry, Lingling felt very embarrassed.

An Nuan has been good enough to her, not only providing her with such a good working environment, but also taking good care of her, but now she has to give her such an expensive gift, she really feels a little sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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