Chapter 953
When An Nuan said this, An Zilin felt a little embarrassed.

Knowing that An Zilin and Yang Yue knew each other, she naturally couldn't say anything to Yang Yue, but said to An Zilin: "Doctor An, if you are really not interested in other girls, then you should tell her clearly as soon as possible. , I think her personality is quite paranoid, if you don't handle it well, maybe you will do something later."

An Nuan spoke from the perspective of An Zilin's friend. For An Zilin's sake, Yang Yue could purposely open a shop opposite her to punish her. One can imagine what kind of personality this person is like.

An Zilin was actually very worried about this, he thought for a while and said, "I see, I will pay attention to it in the future."

After An Zilin left, Lingling came in to gossip.

"What's that Dr. An here for?" Lingling's eyes were shining brightly, flickering with the light of gossip.

An Nuan was a little speechless, this person really has more and more potential as a gossip reporter, and he is definitely in the same category as Shan Yanyan.

"No reason, just to catch up with me."

"Cut!" Of course, Lingling couldn't believe it, "You won't believe it if you lie to children, right? Tell me honestly, is it related to the store opposite us?"

Hey, this guy is quite sensitive.

An Nuan didn't tell her the whole story, but said ambiguously: "It has something to do with it, but it doesn't have much to do with it. Okay, don't gossip like this, and hurry up and make a human with your husband when you have time."

These words immediately hit Lingling's sore spot, she gave An Nuan a dissatisfied look and said, "No such personal attacks? But it's strange to say that my husband and I have worked hard. There is no movement?"

Lingling has always wanted to have a baby, but her stomach still hasn't moved after several months of hard work, which makes her a little anxious.

An Nuan felt that there was no rush for a child, it was just like finding a boyfriend, it all depends on fate.

"Children and parents also depend on fate. Why are you in a hurry? When the time comes, the child will come naturally. By the way, do you want to have a boy or a girl?"

"Boys, my husband likes boys. In fact, I like girls. Girls are so nice, don't they? They're a nice little padded jacket. Besides, didn't they say in the news that the ratio of male to female is seriously out of balance now. In the future, men There will be more and more people who can't find a wife and play singles. I'm not sure that I still have the money to create good conditions for my son to find a girlfriend, so it's better to have a daughter to save money. Xin, at least she can marry no matter what."

Lingling's thinking is quite realistic. She and her husband's current living conditions are still good, but when they have children, the burden will definitely be much greater than it is now.

"Then let fate go, it's good to have children."

"Yes, whatever."

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and the business in Annuan store is gradually deserted.

Since there were no guests, naturally there was no need for so many people, so An Nuan let those who wanted to go home early for the New Year go home.

After there were fewer people in the store, it suddenly felt a lot quieter.

Lingling's home is here anyway, and she plans to go to work until the holidays.

It is natural to have a big cleaning during the Chinese New Year. On this day, An Nuan arranged for everyone in the shop to do the cleaning.

(End of this chapter)

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