You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 957 Making Dumplings

Chapter 957 Making Dumplings

Hehe, they want to fight their mommy, they are still tender, aren't they?

After dinner, everyone started making dumplings, which is an annual Chinese New Year task.

An Nuan's dumpling-making skills are getting better and better now, the dumplings are very beautiful, and every one of them is chubby, which is very pleasing to look at.

Left, right, and left are also very interested in making dumplings, so they insist on getting involved.

An Nuan gave each of them a dumpling wrapper, and then gave them some stuffing for them to play with.

After taking it right and left, I squeezed the skin and stuffing together, feeling very proud while pinching, as if I had completed a great task.

As for Zuo Zuo, they really look good, and they actually made a small prototype of dumplings.

Although it is not very good-looking, at least it can let people know that it is a dumpling.

"Zuo Zuo, why are you so good?" An Nuan pointed at his nose with a finger standing on a white face, and there was a white spot on the nose, looking very happy, "Little cat Zuo Zuo, what are you doing?" Do you want to make dumplings?" She asked with a smile.

Zuo Zuo didn't know, so I thought making dumplings seemed quite fun, so I nodded, and then An Nuan gave him a second one.

But it turns out, how can a child who is less than two years old really know how to make dumplings, right?The first one is entirely his luck.

Because the second time, the dumpling became unrecognizable.

An Nuan: ...

It seems that the child really can't boast too much. Look, after a little boasting, she becomes like this. This really, really disappoints her.

Left and right looked at the dumplings in his hand, and then at the dumplings made by An Nuan and the others on the table, his eyes were a little dazed, why did he feel that the things in his hands were a little different from the things on it?
Looking at it, Zuo Zuo suddenly put the ball in his hand into his mouth.

An Nuan: ...

Zuo Zuo, how hungry are you? If you don't know, you might think how your mommy and I abused you.

"Oh, little fool, this hasn't been cooked yet, so it can't be eaten yet." Mother An quickly snatched the food from his hand. Fortunately, he didn't swallow it, otherwise he would definitely eat it badly.

In fact, even if Mama An didn't snatch it, he would still spit it out, because he thought it was unpalatable, and it was completely different from the delicious food he usually eats.

An Nuan was speechless, why did she give birth to a little fool?He actually ate the raw dumplings.

You and You clapped their hands and laughed, but they didn't know what they were laughing at.

Then I heard him say in a soft voice: "Brother, you little fool, you little fool..."

"How can you say that about brother?" Children like to imitate and learn. When they hear what others say and see what others are doing, they like to follow suit. "Apologize to brother quickly, and say sorry to brother."

Children are ignorant, as parents, they must know how to teach and guide them.

Don't think that small things don't matter to children, but sometimes it's just such small things that make children develop bad habits, and when they grow up, they become big things.

Youyou is an obedient child. After hearing what Mommy said, he apologized to his brother.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Right and left took left and right's hands, and leaned forward to kiss him, "Brother, don't cry."

I don't know where I learned it from, I always like the faces of relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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