Chapter 96

After the exam, Rong Jing and An Nuan felt relaxed.An Nuan was going to grandma's place during the summer vacation, because the time to go was too long, Rong Jing was reluctant to be separated from her for such a long time, so she simply went with her afterwards.

Of course, mother an was happy, and took the two children to grandma's house.

Grandma's health is not bad now, but she can't work too hard, so now the housework at home is done by the nanny invited by Mama An, and grandma is really enjoying her old age.

Because it is in the countryside, it is much cooler than in the city, and the air is fresh, and it is not so stuffy.Especially at night, there is no need for air conditioning at all, and sometimes even electric fans are not needed, so it can be very cool.The only downside is that there are too many mosquitoes.

An's mother stayed at her grandmother's house for two days before leaving. Before leaving, she told An Nuan to take good care of Rong Jing, not to make her angry, and to listen to her.An Nuan naturally responded one by one.

An Nuan lives very freely at her grandmother's house, and the countryside is big, and she doesn't have any cars, so she can play everywhere.

There is a small river at the head of the village, the river water is very clear, An Nuan remembers that she took a bath there when she was very young.There are also many little boys going there to play and swim in the water.

In the evening, An Nuan took Rong Jing over, and took a small basket along the way.Because there will be snails in the river, if you are lucky, you can touch a lot of snails, and you can fry a plate of snails the next day.

An Nuan and Rong Jing both wore shorts, and the river was not very deep. An Nuan wore slippers, so they could step in directly.

Because of the good sunshine during the day, the river water is not very cold at this moment, but warm, and it is very comfortable to step in.An Nuan said to Rong Jing who was still standing: "Brother Jing, come down quickly, the water is very comfortable."

After hearing this, Rong Jing also went into the water.

An Nuan held Rong Jing with one hand, and with the other hand, he was groping for the stones under the water, wanting to touch more screws.Although she doesn't particularly like screws, the ones she touches are always different, and the taste is particularly delicious.

Rong Jing also followed An Nuan's example, turning over the stone and groping carefully.

The two of them touched the screws while playing, but they gained a lot.Moreover, Rong Jing also caught small fish for several days, An Nuan found a plastic bag and packed it up, planning to take it back and raise it.

When they went back, their clothes were wet, but they didn't care, and their faces were still full of smiles.

The setting sun hit them, stretching their shadows for a long time.From a distance, the shadow is very close, as close as a person.

There are especially many cicadas in summer. During the day, the hotter the sun, the louder the cicadas will cry.

Grandma said that knowing it was calling "too much sun, too much sun", so knowing it was also very hot.

An Nuan likes to play with cicadas very much, and also likes to catch cicadas, so taking advantage of a cloudy day, she specially asked her grandma to make a net bag, planning to catch cicadas and play.

Naturally, Rong Jing did what An Nuan did, and he cooperated very well with An Nuan to catch cicadas.

There are a lot of children who catch cicadas, An Nuan plans to climb a tree to catch them, but Rong Jing is not easy. "Nuan Nuan, climbing trees is too dangerous, don't climb, I'll go."

Pulling An Nuan aside and standing still, Rong Jing stepped on a stone and climbed up the tree very neatly.

Seeing Rong Jing's movements so proficient, An Nuan was stunned for a moment, then clapped her hands and shouted, "Brother Jing, you are so good, you can even climb trees." Sure enough, her brother Jing is omnipotent.

(End of this chapter)

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