You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 983 Meeting Shen Yuan

Chapter 983 Meeting Shen Yuan
"What cute twins, so handsome."

"My brother seems very arrogant, but my younger brother is very soft and cute."

"What to do, what to do, my heart is melted."


Hearing that everyone liked her son so much, An Nuan was very proud.This is her son, only she can give birth to such a handsome and lovely son.

The left, right, and right are not afraid of strangers, especially the right, who even waved to everyone like a starlet. The older brothers and sisters shouted so uncomfortably, which made many girls almost flooded with maternal love.

Shen Yunna is very proud. The little model she found is so popular, and the clothes she designed will definitely be well received. Sure enough, her vision is good, and their team is lucky.

Left and right were taken by Shen Yunna to the fitting room to change, while An Nuan waited outside.

Besides Zuo Shuyou, there are many other children, but they are all older than Zuo Shuyou.

"An Nuan?"

An Nuan suddenly heard someone calling her name, and when she looked back, it was a girl who looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"You are..." An Nuan was a little puzzled, after searching in her mind for a while, she still couldn't remember who this person was.

"Don't you know me? I'm Yuanyuan, Shen Yuan, have you forgotten?"

"Yuanyuan?" After she said this, An Nuan finally remembered that it was Yuanyuan who played well with her when she was young. "Is it really you? God, you've changed so much, I can't even recognize you."

When she was a child, Yuanyuan was chubby, she was a little chubby girl, and she was not very thin when she went to junior high school with her.As a result, she has become so slender now, she is completely a skinny beauty.

"Have you become more beautiful?" Shen Yuan seemed quite confident in herself, smiling sweetly, "You haven't changed at all, you're still so cute."

An Nuan's facial features have indeed not changed much from childhood to adulthood, she still has a baby face. Now that her hair is permed, she looks at least a little more mature than when her hair was straight, and she is no longer so childish.

Seeing her childhood playmate, An Nuan was still very happy, "Yuanyuan, why are you here? Do you work here?"

Shen Yuan and An Nuan are in the same grade, so it is impossible to study in university here.

Shen Yuan smiled and said, "I'm a counselor now, and I'm in charge of their fashion design department. It's really rare to meet you, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

It's true that they haven't seen each other for a long time. They didn't go to the same school after entering high school, and they didn't make an appointment to meet again after that, so naturally they rarely met.

It is rare for the two to meet each other, so there are naturally many things to talk about.Shen Yuan is not married yet, and she doesn't even have a boyfriend. According to her, it's because there is no one she likes, and her eyes are very picky.

"How happy you are now. Not only are you married and have children, but your children are so cute. I envy you, Nuan Nuan, if only I could have a childhood sweetheart like you." Shen Yuan envied An Nuan and Rong Jing since she was a child feelings, but how many people in this world can have such pure feelings?

"Don't worry, you will definitely meet your other one too. You, don't look so high, if you see it, just strike at it, won't it be all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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