You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 991 It's Boring

Chapter 991 It's Boring
Fenying lowered her head and said nothing.She knew that she had indeed passed this time, but this was not what she wanted.How did she know that she would be pregnant.She will take good measures every time, except that time with that director.

Thinking about Fenying, she felt very embarrassed. Not only did she not get any benefits from that director, but she was even pregnant.

The agent didn't ask her whose child it was, because the existence of this child was definitely not good for them. No matter who it was, this child must be removed.

"I will ask the director for leave, you spend a week to deal with this child." The agent's voice sounded without emotion.

It is inevitable to get rid of the child, but Fenying doesn't want to do it at such a time.

"Let's wait until the filming is over. There is still more than a month before the end of the film. It's not too short of time."

"You are now in a few months."

"...two months."

"Regular hospitals won't let you have a miscarriage after three months, and your reaction will become more and more obvious. Can you take the risk?"

"It's okay, I don't have a big reaction, just pay attention, and I can say I have an upset stomach."

Seeing that Fenying persisted, the manager didn't say anything.

An Nuan has recently become obsessed with handcrafts. Every day when she is free in the store, she folds thousands of paper cranes and stars, as if she has returned to her student days.

Lingling originally said that she was naive, but later she also folded with her.

Thousand paper cranes are still very beautiful when folded, especially when they are hung in a string.The stars are too, shining brightly in a transparent glass bottle, just like gems.

"I said, aren't you a bit too boring?" Ruru was speechless seeing them folding paper cranes and stars so cheerfully. How idle is it to do this kind of thing?

An Nuan didn't care, anyway, she thought it was fun.

"By the way, have you seen the news? It is said that there will be a same-sex marriage proposal at Tianyi Square this Saturday. It is said that the scene is very grand. Are you interested in going to see it together?" Ruru asked.

"Same-sex marriage proposal?" Hearing this, An Nuan's eyes lit up, "Yes, yes, is this Saturday? What time does it start?"

"About eight o'clock. I heard about it too. I often see marriage proposals of the opposite sex. This is the first time for same-sex marriage proposals. Why don't we go see them together?"

Lingling was also quite curious, "Okay, let's go together."

"But I'm going to take brother Jing with me." Of course I have to spend the weekend with my husband, right?

As soon as she said this, Ruru and Lingling immediately looked down upon her. "Knowing that you are in love, you don't need to show it all the time, right? Actually, I'm a single girl, right?"

Fortunately, Lingling already has a husband, otherwise she would be envious and jealous.

When An Nuan talked about this with Rong Jing, Rong Jing was very helpless, thinking what is there to watch?But since she likes it, he can only risk his life to accompany his wife.

On Saturday night, the two had dinner outside, and it was almost eight o'clock when they finished eating, and then Rong Jing was dragged to Tianyi Square by An Nuan.

I don't know if there are usually so many people here or if everyone came to see the same-sex marriage proposal this time, it was so overcrowded that it couldn't get through, and An Nuan felt like retreating.

"Isn't this too many people?" An Nuan was dumbfounded, there were all heads in front of her, and she couldn't even squeeze in.

(End of this chapter)

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