Leaf Queen

Chapter 1071 Father God

Chapter 1071 Father God (1)

This wasn't just a small fight back then, but... really evil!

"What's going on? Is it Xie Tian?" Qian Xun frowned tightly.

Jun Fengyu swallowed hard, shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "It's not Xietian, it's...Ye Li."

Chihiro Mu turned her head and looked at him in disbelief.

His face was ugly, he didn't dare to delay at all, and rushed to the city of Lonely Sky immediately.

He wasn't worried about her safety, but...Feng Yan and the others!

A ball of red light enveloped the transforming Ye Li, but the white clothes around her turned into red, with ribbons flying, enchanting and beautiful.

All three thousand blue hairs were blown away by the wind, floating in the air, showing off her clean face, and a strange red mole appeared on her forehead, shining red like a star, adding a touch of evil to her pure temperament .

Landing on the ground, she raised her head slightly, her blood-red eyes were full of desperate and awe-inspiring murderous intent, she raised her hand slightly, and the hidden blade appeared, she looked at the three Chaos Gods with indifference, and walked slowly towards the three Gods of Chaos with Shura-like steps. people go.

The God of Chaos and others smiled triumphantly when Ye Li was weeping for Wuhen, but they couldn't laugh at all when Ye Li turned evil.

The moment when Ye Li exploded just now, it gave them a sense of instant vision.

Evil, an existence beyond the laws of nature, even God the Father can't do anything about it, how could they dare to provoke it.

The God of Chaos now has many questions in his mind, but seeing Ye Li approaching step by step, he didn't have time to think, and just retreated as she approached, extremely vigilant.

When Ye Li stopped and raised the dagger in his hand like a god of death, he instinctively threw Su Qingcheng and Meiji forward, turned and ran.

The corner of Ye Li's lips raised an evil smile, his brows flashed red, and an enchantment fell from the sky, abruptly blocking back the God of Chaos who had turned into a cloud of black mist, and blocking Mei Ji and Su Qingcheng in it.

She tilted her head, and the dagger in her hand turned into a long sword. She squatted on the ground with her hands on it, looking at the three people in the barrier as if watching a play.

The red light in his eyes flickered slightly, and the barrier began to shrink, forcing the three of them together, bit by bit... little by little...compressed.

Seeing the three people struggling and twisting in horror in the barrier, she still felt that it was not enough. She suddenly raised her hand and manipulated the barrier from the air, pinching her five fingers into claws, but she heard Mei Ji's scream .

In the next second, it has turned into plasma and splashed the God of Chaos and Su Qingcheng!
Killing a god with tens of thousands of years of cultivation in an instant!

Li Xie and other people watching were shocked, their eyes widened, they couldn't believe Ye Li's current cultivation level.

Ye Li still had that expressionless look on his face, his hand raised in the air moved slightly, and the position was determined to be the God of Chaos.

The God of Chaos was taken aback, and a sense of coolness climbed up his back.

For the first time in his life, he felt that death was so close to him.

Ye Li didn't hesitate at all, just casually squeezed the hands that controlled his life, and the face of the God of Chaos was instantly distorted, and he was directly beaten back to his original shape, turning into a cloud of black mist, but he didn't die immediately, just Bumping around in the enchantment, trying to escape.

With a thought of Ye Li, she condensed the cloud of black mist. She only needs one more blow, and the God of Chaos will be completely wiped out by her.

But at this critical moment, a white light shone above her head, she raised her head naturally, and as the halo completely enveloped her, she disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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