Leaf Queen

Chapter 1115 You Are Dead

Chapter 1115 You Are Dead (2)

where is this?

Shouldn't she be sleeping?
Oh yes, this must be a dream!
Ye Li came to his senses, and was about to close his eyes and continue to sleep, when a male voice with a smile sounded beside his ear, "Here we come..."


Ye Li turned his head in surprise, only to see a handsome man with fluttering silver hair, with one hand behind his back, walking towards her with elegant and steady steps, stepping on the clouds. , On the contrary, I feel very cordial and smile kindly.

Uncertainty flashed across Ye Li's eyes, who is this?
Why does it appear in her dream, the hair color is the same as hers, but the pupils are indeed violet, very similar to her beautiful boy.

"you are?"

"Didn't you say you would sacrifice your soul to me?" the man said with a smile like a spring breeze.

Ye Li was a little stunned.

Suddenly, her pupils widened slightly, and she blurted out, "You are..."

"They all call me Yushen." The man continued Ye Li's words.

Ye Li froze in place instantly as if struck by lightning.

When she fell into the formation of souls, she thought about sacrificing her soul, but she thought that her soul would be severely injured at most, why was she hooked here now?

"I created a new plane, and I was worried that I couldn't find the ruler. You came just in time, so come with me." The man walked forward without saying a word, grabbing Ye Li's arm.

Ye Li immediately broke free from the man's arm, stepped back vigilantly, looked at the man in front of her who was looking at her slightly suspiciously, smiled embarrassingly, and stepped back a little.

I went through what the man said just now in my mind, and then I seemed to react, and said uncertainly: "Wh... what? You created a new plane and let me be the ruler?"

"I don't want to?" the man asked softly, "Then it will be the same as usual, I will turn you into a star in the universe and protect one side of the world." After finishing speaking, he raised his hand to manipulate it.

Ye Li's eyes widened, and he quickly took many steps back, looking in disbelief at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him and wanted to turn her into this and that.

Where did this person come from, let her cheat!
Life is precious, she still has so many things to do, how could she give her life here?
I glanced around, the starry sky is infinite, and there is no ghost. If she runs now, where will she go?

I don't know if he will be caught again, if he is really Yushen, then she will be completely ruined today!

"Well... let's talk, shall we?" Ye Li said nicely.

The man frowned slightly, and looked at Ye Li with displeasure, "You don't want to regret it, do you?"

That's right!
Ye Li answered in seconds, but there was a harmless smile on his face, "Everything is easy to discuss, easy to discuss, there is more than one solution, isn't it? You see, with my qualifications, what kind of ruler, what star, is it rubbish Isn't it?" For the first time in his life, Ye Li took the initiative to step on the mud.

The man gave her a serious look from head to toe, "No, I think it's okay, otherwise, when you sacrificed your soul to me, I wouldn't bother to talk to you, after all, I can't help waste in vain, can I?" ?”

"..." Ye Li was speechless.

"Okay, don't waste time, I'm busy, make a choice quickly." The man habitually put one hand behind his back, expressionless.

Ye Li blew the long hair on the side of his face with an innocent face, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Just drag me a little girl to help you with big things, aren't you being too hasty?"

(End of this chapter)

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