Leaf Queen

Chapter 1136 Raid

Chapter 1136 Raid (2)

Evil day!

After disappearing for tens of thousands of years, he suddenly appeared, and in the name of destroying the world, he led an army from the spirit world to invade...

Everything revolves around him, but he has been born for so long, but he seems to be very low-key, so low-key that they have never heard any news about him.

But invisibly cast a layer of veil on the hearts of this group of them, so that they would subconsciously avoid it every time they mentioned this name. Because of the reason... Although I have never met, my heart has been taken care of by tremendous pressure.

"Have you fought against Xie Tian?" Yun Yin asked.

Ye Li shook his head, "In the last battle, Xie Tian rescued Ye Yu and Wan Yao at the last moment, but he never showed up, but I can feel that he is very strong, so strong..." She took a deep breath With a breath of cold air, his expression became more serious, "It was so strong that the moment he appeared, I felt the pressure increased sharply, I couldn't move, and it was difficult to breathe."

She only used twelve simple words, but let Xiao Nian and others clearly know how powerful Xie Tian is.

Ye Li's strength has always been the strongest among them. Although she may be a little weaker now, her willpower is far stronger than them, and she has experienced many battles. Generally, people who surpass her, such as Li Tian, ​​Ye Li, Chen and the others had never been looked down upon by her, to be recognized by her, and to be given such a high evaluation by her must prove that this person has considerable strength.

For a while, the atmosphere on the field became more serious and condensed...

Seeing the unsightly faces of the crowd, Ye Li restrained his heavy emotions slightly, and said coldly: "Shaying and others are our biggest trump cards right now, and it would be perfect for the five of them to deal with Xie Tian. Don't worry too much. With me." She wouldn't let anything happen to them.

However, she pulled out the hairpin on her head and fought a bloody battle against evil. Xie Tian was strong, and she thought she would not be so weak.

Xiao Nian and the others understood Ye Li's meaning, looked at each other, and lowered their eyes somewhat complicatedly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

In the face of absolute strength, only the king is king. If the strength is not enough, they can only stand aside... just like they can only stand aside in front of Xie Tian!
Obviously one or two arrogantly said that Ye Li should rest, but now they can only keep silent and obey Ye Li's arrangement.

Who made them weak, and Ye Li is the only one who can fight against Xie Tian!

It's not that they are afraid of death... It's okay for them to die, but they can't let other people accompany them to die. Defeating Xie Tian is not only about the survival of the monster race, but also about the survival of other races. If Ye Li transforms the evil, it can solve the problem , that's worth it too.

"Everyone has a general understanding of the strength of the Spirit Army. The small meeting is here. Go back and prepare for the battle. Don't put too much pressure on it. Just fight and do your best!" Ye Li urged.

Xiao Nian and the others looked at each other, and felt that it was really useless to shrink their heads to such an extent in front of a little girl.

Hastily bid farewell to Ye Li, then hurried back to the courtyard, hurry up and start practicing!
Ye Li has always been stronger than them, and they feel a little embarrassed in their hearts. Now that the gap has suddenly widened, it is simply because of Ye Li that they are living. If they don't improve their strength, they will never be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives.

Although they knew that Ye Li had never cared about these things, as a man, face is still important!

(End of this chapter)

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