Leaf Queen

Chapter 1139 Are You Ye Li?

Chapter 1139 Are You Ye Li? (2)

Raise your hand, and the hidden blade appears.

She held the dagger backwards, spun it around sharply, and drew a circle. The silver-white blade was sharp and swiftly swept away... In an instant, beautiful blood sprayed in the air.

All the wolf warriors within 50 meters of her were cut in half and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the follow-up wolf stepped on the corpse of his companion, and rushed towards Ye Li frantically.

Ye Li looked cold, the natural force in his body endlessly blessed the hidden blade, and swung it outward like flowing water. The silver-white blades intertwined in the air and hit the wolf pack. With each knife, dozens of wolf warriors Died unexpectedly, blood splashed in the air, and fell on the ground like rain, staining the ground inch by inch.

Ye Li rose to mid-air, and glanced at the ground under his feet. It was densely packed with wolves, and there was no trace of the monster clan. A few ferocious wolves were rushing towards the center of the city desperately.

Ye Li frowned slightly.

It is the center where the subjects of the city of the demon domain are densely populated, and they cannot be allowed to break through!

Reining in her mind, she quickly formed a seal with both hands, and a green light ball containing king-level natural power condensed in her palm. She glanced coldly at the pack of wolves below, and threw it into the center...

"Boom—" The ball of light exploded suddenly, and endless roars resounded through the night sky.

As the ball of light rapidly exploded to the surroundings, thousands of war wolves were instantly smashed to pieces, and when the light dissipated, only a sea of ​​blood remained on the land.

Ye Li glanced coldly, turned around, and flew towards the city.

Along the way, she once again ran into a monster being chased by the war wolf, and would fish it up with the power of nature, and then send it back to the city. Repeated this hundreds of times, her natural power was consumed like running water.

As she went forward, the wolves became rarer, and she felt slightly relieved, but when she arrived in the city, she still saw hundreds of war wolves walking on the streets of the city.

In the originally silent city, there were shrill and sharp screams.

No need to think about it, it was the war wolf who rushed into the homes of the Yaozu people and started the brutal massacre.

Along the way, Ye Li has observed that the higher the front, the higher the level of the war wolf, and the monsters are divided into beginner, middle, high, spirit, dark, light, fairy, and divine beast.

On the way she flew here, she saw a lot of dark and light-level war wolves, and the ones rushing into the city at this moment, if she sensed correctly... some of them were at the level of divine beasts, and some were at the level of fairy spirits.

And... They still have evil blood flowing in their bodies!
The monster's fighting power is good, but at this moment, he can only be slaughtered by him. The number is crushing, and the physique is also on the one hand.

Xie is a thing outside of the six realms, the special preferential treatment given by the Creator, attacks other than Xie, falling on Xie is invalid.


Even if it works, Ye Li doesn't think that these monsters in the city can pass three tricks in front of the powerful beasts and fairy beasts.

According to her understanding of divine beasts and fairy beasts, it is better to say that they are the peak existences in the human world, not the peak existences other than the two worlds of leaves and gods. The toughness of physique and tyrannical strength are not comparable to those of the monster race. of.

In this way, the monster clan in the entire city is basically useless, and the only fighting power is her and her companions. If they can't defend the city today, there will be no monster clan in the world after today.

However, how to defend the city of the demon domain?

Judging from the current situation, it is the best way to seal off the main city, while dispatching manpower to kill the wolves in the city, and massacre the outside wolves at the same time, but how to effectively block the main city?

(End of this chapter)

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