Leaf Queen

Chapter 1150 Nothing, I Just Miss You

Chapter 1150 Nothing, I Just Miss You (2)

"You hurt her today, because you are already disabled, let me forgive you once, and if there is a next time, you will know the consequences..." His feet increased slightly.

Regarding Xie Tian's protection of Ye Li, Ling Cang was extremely astonished, but he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest. He squeezed his neck and said with all his strength: "My subordinates will remember it, and I will definitely remember it." For fear of delaying the defense , was crushed to death by Xie Tian.

Only then was Xie Tian satisfied with stepping on Ling Cang's foot, put one hand behind his back elegantly, and said softly, "If you get into trouble, don't expect anyone to save you, just climb back by yourself."

"Yes, yes!" Ling Cang exhausted all his strength, reluctantly prostrated himself on the ground, and kowtowed his head twice with difficulty.

After the pair of black boots in front of him disappeared, he suddenly collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely all over his body.

Recalling what Xie Tian said earlier, a bold guess formed in his mind, could it be... He suddenly opened his eyes wide, full of inconceivable.


Xing Chen took Ye Li back to Feng Mansion directly, Ye Li's consciousness began to lose consciousness during the flight, after Xing Chen put her on the bed, he said to Xing Chen in a daze, "Don't worry about me", and lay down on the pillow Go to sleep.

In a trance, she felt that someone was helping her change clothes, and it seemed that someone was helping her clean the wound, which made her very painful, but she didn't even have the strength to hum.

After a while, she felt that her body was turned over, and the sharp and piercing pain came again, she couldn't help frowning, and moaned twice in her throat.

Fortunately, the man quickly let go of her, tossed her for a while, and didn't touch her at all, and then she heard the sound of many people entering the room, and there were buzzing sounds in her ears .

She couldn't hear what those people were saying, she just felt so annoyed, she really wanted to yell "Get out of here!"
Those people seemed to understand her heart, they didn't stay long, and they really left...

The world cleared up in an instant, she breathed a sigh of relief, moved her head, found a comfortable position, and fell into a deep sleep...

The spiritual mirror she placed next to the pillow suddenly lit up with bursts of light, shaking Ye Li's eyes one after another, but Ye Li didn't notice it at all.

The light flickered for a while, then sank, but after a while, it flickered again...


half a month later.

The girl lying in Zisha's tent blinked her thick butterfly-wing eyelashes, opened her eyes slowly, and stared at the purple tent roof in confusion for a while before regaining consciousness a little bit.

Just at this time, the spiritual mirror she kept next to her pillow lit up again.

She couldn't help squinting her eyes under the dazzling light, and turned her head. Seeing that the mirror was shining, she froze slightly before realizing that it was Jun Fengyu who was looking for her.

Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out to grab it, but as soon as he raised his arm, his arm felt a tearing pain, which quickly spread to his whole body.

She took a deep breath, and immediately lay down on the bed well-behaved, her jaw stretched patiently, and her face that had just recovered a little turned pale in an instant.

The pain on her body clearly brought back her memory, how could she have forgotten that she was already crippled in the battle with Ling Cang, maybe her left arm was already crippled, and his right leg...

She is like a useless person now, she doesn't even have the strength to get up, how can she see Jun Fengyu?

While she was relieving her pain, the light of the spirit mirror gradually went out, Ye Li turned her head to look at it, and breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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