Leaf Queen

Chapter 1161 The Evil Empress of the Future

Chapter 1161 The Evil Empress of the Future

Several people were horrified, "Yes, this subordinate obeys."

Xie Tian indifferently withdrew his gaze, thinking of the man who was still in the spirit world, his eyes burst out with a strong murderous look.

The phantom flashed, and suddenly disappeared in place.

The coercion dissipated, and Bingyou, who was seriously injured, fell to the ground in an instant, panting in surprise, and his fearful heart gradually calmed down.

Wan Yao immediately stepped forward, helped Bingyou up from the ground, took out a elixir, fed her, and then helped her to sit on the soft bed beside her.

Ye Yu and Ling Cang also stood up from the ground, their expressions were not very good.

"You've all met that Ye Li, who is she?" Bingyou held on to her heart, which was in severe pain, and looked at Ye Yu and the others with a pale face.

Recalling that cunning and desperate little girl, several people's expressions all changed.

"Ling Cang just got into trouble, and he just got up from the bed not long ago, you ask him." Wan Yao signaled Ling Cang to Bingyou meaningfully.

As soon as Ling Cang sat down, he received Wan Yao's playful gaze, and his expression paled, "Wan Yao, don't make trouble for me."

"Hehe." Wan Yao smiled disapprovingly, "Who said that the city of Yaozu can be settled in one night? He also said that Ye Yu and I are trash! In the end, we went upright and crawled back, and we have the nerve to stand here ?”


"Enough." Bingyou said coldly, stopping the two from continuing to fight.

Wan Yao snorted coldly, walked to the side pillar, put her hands on her chest, and stood reclined.

Bingyou stabilized her breath, her gentle and beautiful face was tinged with deep thought, and said in a deep tone, "If I'm not wrong, Xie Zun should have taken a fancy to that little girl Ye Li."

"You see it too?" Ling Cang answered.

"What did you say?" Wan Yao questioned as if she had misheard.

"We said that the spirit world is likely to have an evil queen soon." A smirk appeared in Ling Cang's eyes.

Wan Yao reflected for a while, and asked unsurely, "Ye Li?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Ling Cang spread his hands, "When have you ever seen Xie Zun care about someone so much? We are not allowed to hurt her, we are not allowed to say that she is not at all, and we specially hide our identity to go to that little girl Staying by your side, isn't it what you like?"

Wan Yao was still a little unbelievable, and couldn't help but said: "The devil also has a heart, and will fall in love with someone?" It's hard to imagine that the iceberg devil in their impression would actually fall in love with someone else, and the other party is still a little girl in her teens .

"Wait a minute!" Wan Yao seemed to think of something, "If I remember correctly, checking Ye Li's information at the time showed that Ye Li already had a master and was married to the man named Jun Fengyu. I really like Ye Li, don't you..."

"Just grab it, isn't it easy?" Ling Cang said disapprovingly.

But Wan Yao didn't agree, "What's so good about her, a woman who has been raped by other men, is it worth our evil master's efforts to snatch her?"

"Hey!" Ling Cang laughed mockingly, "That's right, why do I think that girl is pretty good in every way, at least she's much better than you, a witch who yells and kills all day long."


"Okay." Bing You once again interrupted the meaningless conversation between the two, "You two, be careful, don't talk nonsense, and be careful that the wall has ears."

The two didn't like each other, but they still listened to Bingyou's words and stopped pinching each other.

"Ye Yu." Bing You looked at Ye Yu who was sitting aside and hadn't spoken.

(End of this chapter)

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