Leaf Queen

Chapter 1180 Father of the Stars

Chapter 1180 Father of the Stars (3)

And they are the vulnerable group now, so let's save their lives first.

Then think of a way to solve Ye Li's problem.

Zhan Tian turned around and looked at Ye Li's Shaying who was standing behind him with slightly shocked eyes. He curled his lips and smiled, "Brother Shaying, please call back the death army and prepare to withdraw."

Shaying came back to his senses, glanced at Zhan Tian, ​​lowered his head decisively, "Yes, this subordinate obeys." Then he disappeared in place like a gust of wind, and went to find his other four brothers.

I don't know if it's Zhan Tian's illusion, but he actually found some sense of running away from Shaying's back... He squinted his eyes in some puzzlement.


Ye Li held the hidden blade in his hand, looked at Bing You and the others, tilted his neck slightly, red light flashed in his eyes, and leaped towards Bing You and the others impressively, swiped the hidden blade fiercely in his hand, and a blood-red blade swept across.

Bingyou and the others were startled and dodged quickly, but were still slightly injured by the compelling blade energy. Before they could fully react, Ye Li had already flashed to their side, raised one hand, and a blood-red light ball condensed In her palm, a medium-sized enchantment was formed, instantly controlling Ling Cang and the others within it.

The four of them didn't have time to find out where Ye Li was, they just felt a burst of colic in their hearts, and wisps of bright red light leaked from their bodies.

Bingyou faintly realized something, and suddenly raised her eyes to look at Ye Li, only to see that their power was converging towards Ye Li's palm, and then passed through her arm to her heart little by little.

"Stop her quickly, she is absorbing our strength." Bingyou shouted.

Ling Cang and the others endured the severe pain and stood up, looking at Ye Li with ferocious expressions, they rushed towards Ye Li in unison, attacking her with [-]% of their skills.

Ye Li looked at the distant scenery in front of him coldly, and didn't give Ling Cang and others a look at the attack, but when they approached, he suddenly waved his sleeves, and a red light wave shot out.

The four of them were instantly knocked into the air, slammed into the barrier wound, and fell to the ground, spurting mouthfuls of blood.

"Overthinking one's abilities." Ye Li's red lips parted slightly.

The bloody pupils drooped slightly, his eyes fixed on Wan Yao, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Wan Yao, and Wan Yao was sucked by her, pinched her neck, and lifted up into the air little by little.

Raising her eyes, she glanced at the pale and distorted face, she smiled brightly, and tightened her fingers a little bit...

Outside the barrier, Ye looked at Ye Li, who was killing so much, with complicated eyes.

Inadvertently, she caught a glimpse of Ye Li's right wrist holding Wan Yao's neck, a seven-colored flower was glowing slightly, very faint, so faint that it would be hard to notice unless you could look at it.

Is it the flower of Yanhua?
The flower that Godfather used to control Ye Li.

Why does it light up at this time?
"Ye Li, let me go—" Wan Yao shook Ye Li's hand vigorously, shouting these words hysterically.

The smile on the corner of Ye Li's lips became brighter, and the hand pinching Wan Yao's neck became more and more forceful, his five fingers penetrated into her flesh, and bright red blood flowed down her fingertips, bloody and cruel.

"Yao'er—" Bingyou watched this scene with wide eyes, but was powerless to stop it.

In the nick of time...

A golden light suddenly lit up on the edge of the enchantment, Ye faintly sensed something, turned his head to look in surprise, at the same time, the Jingting hairpin in his hand was taken away, dragged by the golden light in the air for several circles, and put on again on Ye Li's head.

Ye Li froze, lost strength in his hand, let go of Wan Yao, the red light in his eyes faded, and fell limply on the ground.

"Little Ye Zi—" Xing Chen kicked her short legs, ran to Ye Li's side, and picked her up from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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