Leaf Queen

Chapter 1230 Jun Fengyu, Xie Tian

Chapter 1230 Jun Fengyu, Xie Tian (2)

Ling Cang was about to say something, but Bing You took a step forward and stepped forward, "Since we know our origin...then both of us take a step back, you hand over Ye Li, and we leave immediately without disturbing each other, I think... You don’t want to confront the evil master either.” She spoke vaguely, but she believed that the patriarch understood the deep meaning.

Sure enough, when the patriarch heard the word Xie Zun, his brows furrowed tightly.

After a long time, he said in a low voice, "Why are you looking for Ye Li?"

"There's no need to report to you, she is the person appointed by the evil master, we just follow orders." Bing You said in a calm manner.

The patriarch smiled lightly, and took a step forward with a cane, with an inviolable kingly air on his brows, "I see that Ye girl is very close to each other, I really can't give her to you, I want her so much!" People, just grab it with your hands, I want to try to see how strong the new evil that Yushen's old man is."

"You're courting death!" Ling Cang sneered, and was the first to rush forward.

Seeing this, the group of old men standing behind the patriarch also stepped forward together.

Ye Yu and Wan Yao acted immediately.

A war began.


Xieshan, [-] meters underground, beside the boiling pool of blood, Jun Fengyu looked at the black lotus in the pool of blood, approaching step by step with vain steps.

This lotus is a life-saving lotus, which survives by absorbing the evil power in the body of the evil person. If he gets it, Ye Li hopes to return to its original form.

"Hiss—" A blood-colored poisonous snake jumped out of the pool of blood and bit his face.

He immediately dodged to dodge, but the old injury to his leg caused him to slow down a step, and he was bitten by a poisonous snake on his shoulder, tearing off a large piece of flesh in an instant, and it became bloody.

He spun around, leaned on his shoulder with one hand, fell to the ground with a bang, raised his eyes slightly, looked at the pair of boots that appeared in front of him, blinked, and looked up, Xie Tian's face appeared in his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes, lowered his eyes, sat up silently from the ground, was about to stand up, but his arm was suddenly pulled, followed by a whirlwind.

When he opened his eyes again, the environment in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

As far as the eyes could see, it was full of resplendent and resplendent decorations, and when he turned around, he saw Xie Tianxie lying on a soft couch with a wine bottle in his hand, looking at him expressionlessly.

"You are really persistent. You almost took your life to win the hearts of the demon clan. Now you dare to run into the evil mountain with a little bit of strength, looking for death?"

Jun Fengyu looked away from him, casually walked to the side and sat down, while tending to the wound on his shoulder, he said calmly: "Don't you want me to die the most? What are you doing to save me?"

"Bang——" Xie Tian suddenly smashed the wine jug in his hand to the ground, sat up on the ground, narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at Jun Fengyu, "I originally wanted you to die, but If you die, won't the little girl hate me forever."

Jun Fengyu's movements of tending the wound stopped slightly, and he suddenly turned to look at Xie Tian, ​​his eyes were as cold as ice blades and sharp: "You dare to think of her."

A faint smile hung on the corner of Xie Tian's lips, "Based on your current strength, are you worthy of saying dare to me? Do you think you are still the invincible Holy Highness?"

Jun Fengyu clenched his fists tightly, allowing the blood to flow from his shoulders, wetting every inch of his white clothes, his eyes slowly crawled with hideous and terrifying bloodshots.

(End of this chapter)

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