Leaf Queen

Chapter 1239 For her, I am willing

Chapter 1239 For her, I am willing (1)

Ye Li: "..."

Does this monkey dare to be a little less courageous?

"No, no, no, I'm going to faint!" Luoli caressed her forehead exaggeratedly, and walked crookedly towards the forest, "I'm going to find something to eat and come back to make up for it, my health is getting worse and worse .”

Ye Li looked at Luo Li who was running away staggeringly, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, looked away, and continued to play with the Fuxinqin in his arms.

After another half an hour, Fu Xinqin was the same as before, she didn't give her any response, she stared depressedly.

Just at this time Ji Yanran woke up, she threw the Fuxinqin to Ji Yanran, "Yanran, take a look at this Qin, it's completely out of order when I leave it here."

Ji Yanran took the Fuxinqin, returned Ye Li with a warm smile, lowered her head, and touched the Fuxinqin with one hand, a strange purple light quietly lit up...

Ye Li happened to be watching Luo Li's figure around, and missed this scene, when she turned her head, Ji Yanran happened to look up at her.

Before Ji Yanran could speak, she took a step forward and said in a flat tone: "Yanran, you stay here now, I'll look for Luoli, so that nothing happens to him."

Ji Yanran had no choice but to swallow the words, and nodded gently, "Okay, be careful."

Ye Li smiled slightly, turned around, and trotted away.

Ji Yanran looked at Ye Li's leaving back, and her eyes fell on the Fuxinqin in her arms again.

Obviously there is a sense, why does Ye Li say that it is out of order?

Gently plucking the strings, a faint purple halo flowed out. Looking at the psychedelic purple, her thoughts were brought into it a little bit...

In an instant, bright red blood splashed in her mind, "Don't—" With that exclamation, that small figure blocked her, protected her, and blocked the fatal blow for her .

Her mind was unsteady, and the strength in picking the strings in her hand suddenly increased, and the strings made a sudden "clank", which was extremely harsh in the quiet forest.

Her fingertips were cut, she retracted her fingers subconsciously, looked at Fu Xinqin dully, and recalled in her mind that day in Dream You Forest, when she was being bullied, she suddenly appeared to save her.

In the past, she was by her side and could help her, but since the reappearance of the spirit world, she has become her burden. In Zitian Mountain, she was also seriously injured by Ling Cang because of her.

It was also because of her that Ye Li offended the old patriarch indirectly and fell into injustice this time.

Since when did she become troublesome...

Since Tianling Village, the human race saw her again, and she has been hiding her shady feelings very well. She feels that being able to follow her and help her do some things is already a gift from God. But now, does God even want to deprive this gift?

"What a sad atmosphere, what a fragrant offering..." A ghostly voice sounded beside her ears, which woke her up in grief.

She opened her eyes wide, but saw a stream of rich purple light slowly emerging from the Fuxinqin, landed on the ground, and turned into a beautiful woman in purple.

Ji Yanran met the woman's purple eyes, her heart skipped a beat, she stood up from the ground holding the Fuxinqin, and looked at the woman vigilantly, "Who are you?"

"I am Fuxinqin, you woke me up, don't you know?"

Ji Yanran frowned slightly, "I woke you up?"

"Fuxinqin is only floating heart, I sensed that you need me, so I came out, I came only to help you fulfill your wish." The woman explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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