Leaf Queen

Chapter 1323 Former lovers, breaking up with passers-by

Chapter 1323 Former lovers, breaking up with passers-by (1)

These harsh words are like bone-eating worms, crawling on Ye Li's heart, gnawing at her nerves bit by bit, completely driving her from heaven to the abyss, into endless despair.

"You..." She just said a word, but found that her sobs rose up, making it difficult to speak again.

"I want to be with Qian Ling." He gave her the answer decisively.

He wants to be with Qian Ling...

What about her?
Ye Li only felt dizzy and dizzy for a while, her heart was so painful that it was numb, and she couldn't tell what it felt like.

"I like Qianling, and Qianling also loves me, but Qianling doesn't like you. She wanted me to kill you, or she wouldn't be with me, but she was helpless. Who made your system turn evil, I really can't kill you now, so let me repay your kindness, after all... I have slept with you for so long, and if I killed you with a real sword, it would be a joke. After I recover the strength of His Royal Highness, Ruoqian Ling still doesn't like you, so don't blame me when the time comes."

Ye Li's eyes turned scarlet, and he suddenly laughed out loud.

The man's lips tightened for a moment, but no one noticed. The hand he was holding on to the sleeve was stained with blood.

"When we were together, I already said that if you don't love me anymore, I will turn around immediately and never obstruct your eyes. You don't know what kind of character I am, Ye Li, so why bother to say these hurtful words today? Just because Qian Ling doesn't like me, so you come to help her humiliate me and vent her anger? Who the hell is she!" Ye Li's voice trembled slightly, choked with sobs.

Jun Fengyu was silent for a moment, the corners of his lips curled up softly, and he gritted his teeth clearly and said word by word: "She is Shen Xue." After a moment of pause, he changed the subject, "So you know how much I hate you now , I once hurt her like that for you, after that, I will get it back from you little by little for her." His face was stained with a ferocious murderous look.

Shen Xue!

Ye Li was stunned for a while, and then slowly recovered.

Suddenly, she sneered, raised her eyes, and looked at the domineering and determined man in front of her with a sweet smile. Her aura changed from the dazed and bewildered one before to become fierce and powerful.

Mudi, with her five fingers into claws, lifted a black and green light ball, raised her hand, and slammed it into the sky above the palace.

In an instant, the entire palace collapsed, the ball of light spun to the sky, exploded suddenly, turned into fine green starlight, and fell into countless courtyard palaces below.

The formerly beautiful pure white castle collapsed in an instant and turned into ruins.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Ye Li and Jun Fengyu stood opposite each other in the ruins.

The former was indifferent and unfeeling, while the latter frowned slightly.

Ye Li looked at the man in front of him coldly, with a cruel arc on his lips, "I don't care what kind of Holy Palace or Emperor God you are, if you don't want you and your thousand spirits to die in my hands, get out of Ye Li now!" Clan, this is my base, the place where the evil ones gather, I don’t want to die, and I’m not allowed to take another step from now on.”

The former Ye Li, because of love, in front of Jun Fengyu, was always the one who restrained her edge, showing her most authentic and pure side.

But now, when love collapses, in order to maintain her last dignity and cover up her embarrassment, being ruthless will be her only way out.

Jun Fengyu looked at the woman who suddenly changed into another person, raised her eyebrows, and sneered, "So this is your true face, the softness and weakness in front of me before were all pretended, your scheming... But It's really deep." Extreme disgust flashed across his brows and eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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