Leaf Queen

Chapter 1325 It's because of the spirit again

Chapter 1325 It's because of Qianling again
political affairs!

It refers to dealing with the spiritual world.

Ye Li knew it well, because he was asking someone to save someone, and it was hard to refuse, so he nodded in response.


The side hall of the Father God is not as luxurious as Ye Li imagined, the whole is pure white, clean and bright, very bright and spacious.

At the signal of Father God, she walked to a stone table and sat down, watching Father God making tea for her like flowing water, tilting her head, subconsciously recalling her father's appearance when making tea for her.

My heart throbbed again involuntarily.

The father who loved her the most is gone, her sister belongs to someone else, and even the beautiful boy who loves her the most doesn't want her anymore... Hehe.

Ye Li laughed at himself in his heart.

While she was thinking, Father God had come over with a tray and sat down opposite her. He seemed to be in a good mood, holding a teacup, and handing it to Ye Li with a smile, without any airs of Father God.

Ye Li took it, nodded politely, and took a sip. The taste of the tea is very special, unlike the bitterness of ordinary things in the world, with a unique sweetness, and she also tasted a trace of the familiar medicinal taste from it.

Little by little, it spread to her entire taste buds, so that she couldn't help but her eyes were red, she hurriedly lowered her head, and poured tea to cover up her exposed emotions.

But he choked on drinking too quickly, and coughed violently uncontrollably.

Father God hurriedly stretched out his hand and patted her on the back to help her calm down, and softly reprimanded: "You child, you still think about other things while drinking tea, your body doesn't want it, and it will be very uncomfortable if you choke. "

This tone is very familiar!
Ye Li couldn't help turning his head to look at Father God, and his eyes touched those concerned silver pupils.

This look is also very familiar!

Unfortunately, no, neither!
Different looks, different eye colors, and different identities, everything clearly reminded her that her father was dead.

Died before her eyes, died in her arms!
Father God looked at Ye Li's crying appearance, Rui Jing frowned seriously, "What's wrong, it's fine, why are you crying, who bullied you?"

Ye Li hurriedly lowered his head, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, then raised his head, smiled brightly at his father and shook his head, and said softly: "No, it's because you are so kind to me, it reminds me of my father."


Father God's face froze.

"Let's not talk about that, Father God, you came to me today, do you have something important to tell?" Ye Li changed the subject.

Father God straightened his expression, put down the teacup in his hand, and looked quietly on Ye Li's face, "Actually, it's nothing, I just want to chat with you, I did something cruel to my daughter, For profit, she even cruelly deprived her of her life, and when I saw you again, I subconsciously thought of her, so I couldn't help but want to treat you better."

her daughter.

Isn't his daughter Shen Xue?

It turned out that he found the shadow of Qian Ling in her, that's why he was so kind to her.

Perhaps because of Jun Fengyu, Ye Li never cared about Shen Xue before, but at this moment he hates her like a poison.

Suddenly, he stood up from the stone bench with a great reaction, and wanted to roar a few words, but realized that he was too emotional. He lowered his eyes to cover the rolling undercurrents in his eyes. When he raised his eyes, his expression was extremely cold, "If For your daughter Qian Ling, you should find her in person, Ye Li will leave first."

She quickly bent over, turned around, and strode out of the hall with a decisive and indifferent back.

(End of this chapter)

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