Leaf Queen

Chapter 1337 Jun Fengyu, Ye

Chapter 1337 Jun Fengyu, Ye (1)

Luo Li listened to Ye Li's words "be a man again", the corners of his lips twitched slightly, but after carefully recalling what she said, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Are you saying you're not evil?"

Ye Li curled her lips in displeasure.

What is this person doing with such a big reaction?
"I'm asking you something!" Luo Li grabbed her shoulder and shook.

She said: "..." But she still replied: "Yes, I am not evil, I am a serious Ye tribe."

"You are making trouble, big sister!" Luo Li suddenly became furious.

Ye Li said again: "..."

By the way, she is not evil, as her friend, shouldn't he be happy for her?
What's the trouble now?
"Can you change back?" He suddenly got her up from the ground and turned her around in circles.

Ye Li was a little dizzy by his bewilderment, and angrily shook off his hand, "What are you doing?"

Luo Li stared at her and raised his chin, "Miss, we only have two combat powers, you and me." He pointed to his nose, "Now you are not evil, that is to say, your strength If it doesn't work with evil, then I'm the only one left, and the spirit army is here, how can I fight them?" His eyes widened.

Ye Li raised his eyebrows and couldn't help saying: "It turns out that you have long been prepared to fight side by side with me. That's great. I'm very touched."

Luo Li: "..." His face turned blue from anger.

"Did you listen to me?" He was like a fried chicken.

"I'm listening." Ye Li replied affirmatively.

"So why did you remove the barrier of the Leaf Clan? It's okay to change back by yourself. The Leaf Blood Realm is the guarantee of the safety of the Leaf Clan. Are you going to die?" Luo Li said through gritted teeth.

The corners of Ye Li's lips curled up, "Yes, I'm doing it, do you want to die with me?"

Luoli couldn't bear it anymore, and swears viciously, "I'll accompany you, uncle, I won't play with you anymore, let's go." With a big wave of his hand, he turned around and walked away neatly.

Ye Li turned to his back and shouted faintly: "The exit is here and there!"

Luo Li immediately turned around and walked in the direction she pointed.

Looking at his angry back, she just thought it was extremely funny.

If this tsundere young man really left like this, he really fulfilled one of her wishes, it would be terrifying...

Sure enough, as she expected, in less than 3 minutes, a certain boy who had left flew back quickly and hurled insults at her.

Ye Li quietly became a gentle and beautiful woman, listening to Master Luo's instruction with a smile, but her heart was warm.

There was a reason why she removed the enchantment.

She wanted the Ye family to be reborn, but not in the current form.

The current Ye Clan is lucky to be slaughtered, covered in blood, afraid that things will never return to the peace of the past, so it is better to destroy it.

After that, she found her own way to create a new leaf clan.


There has been no movement in the spirit world for so long, so she can only move first.

Removing the barrier was a hint to the outside world.

She thought that before long, this land would be visited by a large number of people.


Ye Li's premonition was very accurate. On the third day after the withdrawal of the Yexue Realm, the Ye Clan welcomed the first batch of guests, but it was quite different from what she had planned.

It was Ye and Jun Fengyu.


In the early morning, the sun was just right, and Luoli went somewhere to die. Ye Li was alone on the flat ground of the Ye family's palace, stepping on the footprints and bathing in the sun.

It's so easy and leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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