Leaf Queen

Chapter 321 Faint injury, concealed with years

Chapter 321 Faint injury, concealed with years (4)

"Still drinking?" Feng Yan became even more angry.

Yunyin guessed that Feng Yan would be angry, and nodded awkwardly, "I called him many times, but she ignored me. Also, there seems to be a wound on her body, and the smell of blood is very strong."

Feng Yan's face completely darkened.

Zhan Tian probably guessed why Ye Li was like this, suppressed his smile, and sighed softly, "It seems that the little girl is still sad."

"Sad?" Feng Yan frowned, looking at Zhan Tian.

Zhan Tian shook his head helplessly, "Weiqingguan is sad, you should go and see her, I will go to the beast pavilion to find my hell beast."

After all, he turned into a black mist and left.

Feng Yan thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "Take me to find her."

Yunyin said yes, leading the way for Feng Yan.

In the garden, in a secluded place, Ye Li lay leisurely on the rockery, basking in the warm sunset, covering her eyes with her hands, with a slight smile on her lips, looking very relaxed.

But the snow-white gown was stained with specks of blood. One could tell at a glance that the wine had spilled on her wound, causing the old injury to recur.

When Feng Yan arrived, this was what he saw.

Surprisingly, the fire of anger in his heart because of her deceiving him completely receded, and he felt sorry for her instead.

With a wave of spiritual power, she lifted her body and held her in her arms. The little girl seemed to feel the approach of a stranger. She opened her big watery eyes and looked at him ignorantly, "It's because I never asked, So you never say it?" Her voice was soft and hoarse.

Feng Yan was taken aback for a moment before realizing that this girl took him for someone else.

Eyebrows darkened, he carried her back to Yan Pavilion, put her down, and when he was about to leave, he was afraid that the little girl would be restless, so he simply fed her a tranquilizing medicine and let her sleep for a few more days.

However, I don't know if it's because Feng Yan's medicine is too effective, or Ye Li doesn't want to wake up, but this sleep lasted for ten days.

Ten days later, hearing the pattering rain outside the window, Ye Li woke up and opened the door of the room.

Looking at the heavy rain drifting in the sky, he frowned slightly.

"Junior Brother is awake?" Yun Yin came towards him with a smile, holding a bowl of white porridge.

Ye Li nodded slightly, "Have I slept for a long time?"

"Being impartial, exactly ten days, it should be because the sedative medicine that master gave you is too effective." Yunyin stepped into her room door and put the porridge bowl on the table, "this is the medicine that master told me to cook. Congee, I predict that you will wake up today, let me bring it to you."

"..." Ye Li opened his eyes slightly.

But after a brief moment of surprise, a surge of gratitude rose in her heart. Feng Yan must have heard something from Zhan Tian and deliberately let her sleep for a few more days.

After she finished the porridge, Yunyin put away the bowl and started talking to her about business, "Xiao Linger, I'm going to Tianling Village, and it may be a long time."

"Huh?" Ye Li looked at him puzzled.

Yunyin explained: "Master originally planned to let you go with me, but you were injured and couldn't use your spiritual power for a hundred days, and Tianling Village is definitely not a good place, so he let me go alone."

"Tianling Village?" Ye Li narrowed his eyes curiously, "Where is that place?"

"Tianling Village is a secret place in the hidden holy land. It is isolated from the outside world and gathers all kinds of geniuses inside."

"A deciduous tree nourishes the water and soil, making it an excellent place for cultivation. It is a place where many people can't get in if they try to squeeze their heads."

"Master has some friendship with Venerable Xie from Tianling Village, and specially asked for two places for you and me so that we can go there to practice, but now you..." Yunyin hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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