Leaf Queen

Chapter 331 Tearing the White Lotus

Chapter 331 Tearing the White Lotus (6)

The insults continued, and they directly lifted Ji Yanran to the sky and trampled Ye Li to the ground.

The smile on Ye Li's face remained undiminished, and he looked at Ji Yanran with a smile: "Borrowing a knife to kill people? It's a good use, but unfortunately, I don't take this kind of trick."

Ji Yanran was startled, she didn't expect this young man to see through her trick.

"I..." She was about to say something, but Ye Li interrupted her in a flat tone, "I've given you a chance, and you said you don't need a rematch, so I don't have to be polite." There was a trace of her voice at the end fierce.

Ji Yanran's expression changed.

Everyone was angry again.

"You want to be shameless, Miss Ji is such a kind woman, how can you have the heart to bully her?"

"Let me tell you, even if Miss Ji is willing to give you the beast today, we won't let you take it away. A heartless person like you is not qualified to own the beast."

"Unkind and ungrateful, you are not qualified to own a divine beast?" Ye Li lowered his head, playing with the strap on his wrist, "Whether you are qualified or not, I'm afraid it's not up to you to judge..."

Ji Yanran was closer to Ye Li, and upon hearing Ye Li's words, a bad premonition rose in her heart.

Ye Li looked up at her again, showing a smile of unknown meaning, and then... saw her walking back to the square table, staring at the price list under the stones for about half a minute, then reached out to take the stones .

Take one, throw one on the ground, "Bang bang bang!!!" The crackling sound continued, but her movements didn't stop.

The man in charge of the ring stared wide-eyed, furious, and hurriedly stopped Ye Li, "What are you doing, do you know this..."

Ye Li dexterously avoided the obstruction of the man, continued to pick up a few stones, and threw them on the ground at will. When the man blocked her again, she just stopped and looked at the man with a smile.

The man turned blue with anger, "Do you know how precious these stones are, and you smashed them all, can you afford it?"

Ye Li chuckled, "This is the stone gambling arena, and I just handed over the red crystal card of 1000 million gold coins, but I only spent tens of thousands of gold coins for the white crystal stone, so... She gestured to the man for the gravel on the ground, "Now this is considered even, 1000 million gold coins, buy these stones, no more, no less, just right."

The man froze for a moment, remembering the red crystal card worth 1000 million gold coins that Ye Li handed over when he entered the ring. Counting the past, the sum of the prices is exactly 1000 million gold coins.

"..." The man froze instantly as if struck by lightning.

At the same time, the crowd exploded in an uproar.

"I'll go, look, the fourth-grade Flowing Cloud Stone!"

"Look there, look there, third grade crystal stone!"

"Floating cloud stone again, and third-grade jadeite!"


"Oh my god, look, that's a fifth-grade magic spirit stone, it's actually a fifth-grade magic spirit stone!"

As soon as the magic spirit stone came out, the audience exploded. Everyone stretched their necks to look at the magic spirit stone lying quietly in the gravel, emitting a faint purple light.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yanran took a few steps back unsteadily, her face turned pale.

The staff waiting on the side were frightened and dumbfounded, and they all froze.

Ye Li stepped forward with a smile, picked up the gemstones of various colors from the ground in a leisurely manner, put them into the ring, and finally, took the magic spirit stone that everyone envied, held it in his hand, and moved it up and down. Throw it away, so leisurely and comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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