Leaf Queen

Chapter 335 Invite the King into the Mansion

Chapter 335 Invite the King into the Mansion (4)

Ji Yanran was the first to notice Ye Li. She was sitting with her, and she immediately got up and walked towards Ye Li with a smile, "Young master, we meet again." She smiled and nodded at Ye Li.

"You ran away yesterday, how dare you come?" Qiqi became angry when she saw her.

Ji Yanran looked at the strange boy in front of her, blinked her eyes in doubt, but soon, she realized Qiqi's identity, her legs softened, and she hurriedly knelt down, "Lord Divine Beast, please forgive me, it was my fault before, but my fault I have sincerely repented, and please forgive me, Lord Divine Beast."

"Forgive me, I..." Qi Qi raised her hand and wanted to hit it, but Ye Li grabbed it in time, "Qi Qi, you are a beast, do you want to argue with a woman?"

Qiqi held her breath, snorted coldly, but put her hands down, "Get out, don't let me see you again."

Ji Yanran was in trouble, "Master Divine Beast, I came today to apologize to you, and...I think this young man wants to enter Tianling Village, I can help, please give me a chance, let me express my feelings." My apologies."

Qiqi just wanted to laugh.

He followed Ye Li and met many slutty women, but it was the first time he saw a stalker like Ji Yanran. He was about to say something to her, but he received a message from Ye Li. Only then can I endure the look in my eyes.

"Yo, isn't this our Goddess?" Lin Feng had seen enough of Ji Yanran's performance, he crossed his arms, walked over arrogantly, looked down at Ji Yanran, and sneered, "Why don't you pretend to be your nobility today, change it It's because of the pug, but I don't know that you still have such a low-browed and pleasing appearance."

Ji Yanran knelt on the ground, raised her eyes, gave Lin Feng a cold look, and quickly lowered her head.

Lin Feng smiled ironically, turned to look at Ye Li, withdrew his laughing posture, and bowed his hands respectfully, "My lord, my father heard that my lord has won a magical beast, and I specially asked Lin Feng to invite you to my humble house. Appreciation?"

Ye Li raised her eyebrows.

Compared with Ji Yanran's hypocrisy, this Lin Feng is very straightforward, but... Thinking of the green light when Ji Yanran fled yesterday, Ye Li's eyebrows and eyes sank.

Looking dangerously at Ji Yanran's head lowered to the ground, "Aren't you going to apologize to Qiqi? Let's go!"

Ji Yanran was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head in surprise.

She thought that with the previous incident, she would have to spend a lot of effort to invite Ye Li, but it was so easy to succeed?
Lin Feng was also stunned for a moment, but quickly realized, "Since this is the case, then Lin Feng will not bother you. We will be in Tianling Village from now on. If you need anything, you can come to the Lin residence directly to find me. Try your best to do things for adults." He looked at Ye Li with a smile on his face.

Although Ye Li knew that Lin Feng also had bad intentions, but as the saying goes, if you reach out and don't hit someone with a smiling face, Lin Feng lowered his value so much, she definitely had no reason to be cold-hearted, and immediately replied with a smile: "Thank you."

"So, Lin Feng will leave."

"Go slowly." Ye Li nodded.

After Lin Feng left, Ji Yanran stood up from the ground, and humbly made a gesture of invitation to Ye Li, "Young master, please."

Ye Li smiled, and left the inn with Qiqi.

Ye Li didn't have a passable occupation token, so it is reasonable to say that he couldn't enter Tianling Village, but Ji Yanran was in front of her, and she only swipe her face, and the gatekeeper immediately let her go.

Completely entering Tianling Village, a familiar aura filled Ye Li's body and mind. She seemed to feel that the fallen leaves in her heart had been moving quietly, and the natural force in her dantian was flowing, as if... unconsciously grew a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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