Leaf Queen

Chapter 341 Meeting the old friend

Chapter 341 Meeting the old friend (5)

"The characteristics of deciduous trees?" Ye Li asked.

Ji Yanran smiled and said, "The deciduous tree is a tree dug from the ancient leaf tribe, beside the water of the fallen leaf pool in the holy pool. At that time, the leader of the leaf clan said that this deciduous tree has spirituality, and it needs to be raised with kindness and wisdom."

"Kindness, wisdom?" Ye Li's face was stained with a touch of weirdness.

Ji Yanran heard Ye Li's sarcasm, and smiled helplessly, "In the early years, I heard from my grandfather that the wisdom of dual-professionals is the best nourishment for cultivating deciduous trees, so Tianling Village has become a dual-professional village. place of residence."

"In Tianling Village in the past, the dual-professional people who lived there were all pure-minded and dedicated to cultivation, such as Wuhen, Xuanyuan Zhantian, Feng Yan, Yuan Tian and other miraculous characters all came out from here. At that time, the deciduous trees were raised very well, and the aura created filled the entire space, and the water of the Linghe River was extremely gentle, with a pleasant aura. But as the Ye family was wiped out, tens of thousands of years passed, and the human race became more and more chaotic. , people's hearts have changed drastically, the blood in Tianling Village has changed from generation to generation, and has long since lost its original appearance. No one cares about the frolicking and noisy Ling River, no matter how strong one is, if he stays on it for a long time, he will be corrupted."

"This is the power of deciduous trees!" Ji Yanran shook her head.

Ye Li's heart trembled slightly, she never expected that this deciduous tree would be so arrogant and perverted.

"If things go on like this, what consequences will it lead to?"

Ji Yanran said: "If this continues, before long, the enchantment of the hermit holy land will be broken by the aura. At that time, the deciduous trees will absorb a lot of negative emotions of the human race, creating an endlessly destructive aura. The human race will be destroyed. Sooner or later."

"..." Ye Li admired his ancestors a little.

A random tree, when it evolves to the end, can actually lead to the catastrophe of genocide.

"Then if that's the case, why don't you move out all the people here? Instead, attract new blood and help the deciduous trees grow?" Ye Li asked a new question.

Ji Yanran smiled deeply, "Although the aura produced by the deciduous trees cultivated by wisdom is gentle and pure, the amount is small; on the contrary, endless evil thoughts can nourish a lot of aura. Although it is biting and lethal, as long as you don't get close That's it. For the human race, after all, it will be destroyed many years later. Right now, having more aura and improving the overall strength of the human race is the most important thing. Therefore, Tianling Village not only did not ban fresh blood, but expanded its human population. Enter."

Ye Li understood, raised his brows, "Understood."

"Take me to see the sacred deciduous tree, plus the group of talented teenagers who add value to the deciduous tree."

Ji Yanran smiled, didn't say anything, just made a gesture of invitation to Ye Li.


After several turns and detours, Ye Li finally saw a towering tree rooted in the Ling River, emitting endless green light of life.

Many people in Tianling Village are sitting cross-legged under deciduous trees and meditating, with various streamers radiating from their bodies.

Suddenly, Ye Li frowned, but she quickly covered it up. At that moment, her heart beat violently.

Before she could slow down, what was going on, gusts of turbulent spiritual energy surged into her body, circled several times, turned into natural force, and condensed in her dantian.

(End of this chapter)

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