Leaf Queen

Chapter 437 The Ratio of Hegemony

Chapter 437 The Ratio of Hegemony (2)

"Did you hear that, little girl, first you have to refine medicine, then refine weapons, and then you have the ratio of magic. You still have two chances to choose. If you choose to lose the first two rounds, you won't have to be beaten later." Li Xie laughed so well Charm.

Ye Li directly lowered her head, not looking at him.

Afterwards, Baili Xingchi mentioned some more about the rules of the game, etc. Ye Li just listened casually, and was in a fugue state the whole time.

After the wait was over, Feng Yan knocked her on the head and said to go, only then did she come back to her senses.


In the early morning of the next day, the central square outside the Monarch's Mansion.

At a glance, thousands of people gathered around the central arena. At the very front, on a high place, Baili Xingchi, Li Xie, Beichenli and others were sitting upright, surrounded by a group of servants, enjoying the worship of the people below.

Feng Yan sat on the right side of Baili Star Pool, and Ye Li obediently stood behind him.

After the referee came to the stage and announced the rules of the game, Feng Yan gave Ye Li a look. Ye Li understood, and then got out of the auditorium and walked towards the ring.

Bei Chenli looked at Ye Li's petite back, turned his head, and said to Wushuang in a low voice: "Let's see her strength in the first round, and tell your people not to move."

Wushuang said yes, and ordered to go on immediately.

on the ring.

The referee shouted: "In the first round, refining medicine, Li Yan, a disciple of Xuanwu Temple, will face Yunchuge Ye Li." After he finished speaking, he stepped aside.

At both ends of the ring, Ye Li and a man in his thirties walked onto the stage at the same time.

Seeing that he was fighting against a teenager who looked to be in his teens, Li Yan frowned, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

The onlookers below also discussed in low voices.

"I heard from the people who came out of the Monarch's Mansion yesterday that Ye Li went to the Monarch's Mansion. She is tricky, self-willed and mean. Could it be her?"

"It doesn't look like it, isn't it a pretty girl?"

"You judge people by their appearance, do you know that, I heard that she killed An Muqi, the direct disciple of the Lord of the White Tiger yesterday, and almost tortured Ling Xiao, the apprentice of the Lord of the Suzaku, with such ruthlessness that people shudder."

"Are you joking? You can see clearly. She can stand on the ring now, which means that she is a pharmacist, a pharmacist who has no power to restrain a chicken. You say she kills people?"

"I also think it's unbelievable, but... There are also rumors that she is a vicious girl who specializes in seducing men!"

"That's right, you women look after beautiful girls, and you like to put vixen's emoji on them, so concentrate on watching the game."

"Hey, you are a real person, there is no wave without wind, if she really didn't do it, how could there be such rumors?"


Before the game started, there was already a lot of disputes over Ye Li's name.

On the stage.

Because he had a history of being oppressed at the Golden Phoenix Academy, Ye Li deliberately walked to his own alchemy furnace, carefully checked the flowstone and the alchemy furnace, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong, he went to the long table in the central area to select medicinal materials.

She took a fancy to a dead grass and was about to reach out to grab it, but Li Yan maliciously snatched it away.

She paused, looked up, but saw Li Yan looking at her with disdain, "A little girl who hasn't even grown her teeth yet, has she become a senior alchemist? How dare you come up to the stage to compete? Thanks to my junior brother Tang Mo who specially asked me to take care of her." Take care of you, with your strength, hehe, it's hard for me to catch my eyes."

Ye Li pursed her lips, walked forward calmly, and quickly picked out the herbs she needed.

In the name of choosing medicinal materials, Li Yan has been following Ye Li, constantly provoking, "Did you hear that, they say you seduce men, how many people have you been fucked by, did you even crawl on your master Fengyan's bed? "

(End of this chapter)

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