Leaf Queen

Chapter 459 Demon Race Meiji

Chapter 459 Demon Race Meiji (1)

Ye Li's heart was shocked, but his face was extremely calm.

"Mei Ji is no less cruel than Li Xie. You have had a deep grudge with her before. If you go now, you will undoubtedly die!" Baili Xingchi continued.

Ye Li squinted, but still didn't speak.

Baili Xingchi suddenly became quiet, looking at Ye Li's calm face, he gave a wry smile.

"Okay, I'm pretending to be sentimental, knowing that you have a strong temper, it's impossible not to go, and I still talk nonsense with you here." He sighed lightly, took a deep breath, and patiently said: "You must remember that Mei Ji is A special existence, although she is not a king, her strength is better than Su Qingcheng and Wushuang in her heyday, in the entire space, she is definitely ranked among the top ten masters, when fighting against her, you must not force it, just give in."

"The fallen leaf order in your body has condensed a pool full of fallen leaf water. It is powerful enough to destroy the world. It is the purest and purest thing. It is specially resistant to evil things. Although you cannot use it, once a demon or demon attacks your body The heart will definitely be counterattacked by the Fallen Leaf Order. You can rely on a little bit, opportunistically, and never resist!" Baili Xingchi repeatedly explained.

"Why did you tell me this?" Ye Li asked suddenly.

Baili Xingchi froze, paused, and said again: "Also, only the four spirits can get the Fallen Leaf Token in your body, like Wushuang and the others, if there is no Xuanwu and others present, they dare to take your Fallen Leaf Token without permission, You will definitely be crushed to pieces by the powerful power of the Fallen Leaf Order, you only need to pay attention to the four spirits, and you must guard the spirit gathering stone on your body, and you must not lose it." He did not answer Ye Li's question.

"The spirit-gathering stone can suppress the four spirits and protect the Fallen Leaf Token in your body, and the Fallen Leaf Token can at least protect your heart... In short, this is your most precious bargaining chip. Be sure to protect it for life, and run away if you can't beat it." Forbearance is calm for a while, you have more important things to do."

"Beichenli and Wushuang haven't left completely, they are still staring at you. You know the purpose. At a time of crisis, if you make a wrong step, there is an eternal hell in front of you. If you are pulled down alone, all the friends behind you will be punished." Involve, you are a smart girl and know what to do."

He talked a lot, a lot, as if he wanted to tell everything all at once, until at the end, he suddenly stopped.

Seeing Ye Li staring at him quietly, he froze for a moment, then turned around and left suddenly, with a determined back and a sense of desolation.

Ye Li stared at the back of Baili Xingchi for a long time, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, he felt that this person seemed to have changed overnight.

But thinking of Baili Xingchi's words as heavy as Mount Tai, her mood suddenly became heavy.

She understood the principle of cutting weeds and roots, so she killed An Muqi directly without hesitation that day, but now she has caused trouble for herself.

No wonder Li Xie said that this opponent was created by herself.

"The High Priest of the Demon Race, Mei Ji!" Ye Li murmured softly.

A Ye Liuyue, who has grown to no one knows how far she has grown, and now a demon Meiji is born out of nowhere... Her fight is really hanging.


At noon, the central square.

Compared with yesterday, the crowd of onlookers has directly increased several times, directly surrounding the huge square, and the noise is loud.

When the time came, Ye Li followed Feng Yan's instructions and went directly to the ring. At the same time, three lights flashed, and Ye Chengfeng, Ye Liuyue, and Meiji appeared at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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