Leaf Queen

Chapter 53 Turning Your Face Has No Confidence

Chapter 53 Turning Your Face Has No Confidence (2)

Surprise flashed across Ye Li's eyes, and his eyes fell on the box in Jun Fengyu's hand. After hesitating for a moment, he was not sure: "This is... for me?"

The man blinked his curly and thick eyelashes, and hummed lightly.

He saw that she had been snatching this pill from Song Jin before, and finally left in anger. In order to help her vent her anger, he snatched it back for her, of course it was for her.

Ye Li, who got an affirmative answer, was not in a hurry to pick up the pill box handed by the man, but tilted his head to sort out the messy thoughts in his mind.

She asked him to "borrow money", and he lent it to her without saying a word, and now she needs the elixir, and he just gave it with both hands, no, it was handed over with one hand... He didn't ask her any conditions, and he didn't make any jokes , just gave it to her openly.

Did they know each other before?Or a good relationship?

Ye Li murmured in his heart, not because he was hypocritical, but when a stranger who had not met you a few times suddenly treated you very well, anyone would be suspicious, let alone her who is thoughtful.

"No?" Confusion appeared in the man's eyes, and he immediately withdrew his hand.

"Yes!" Ye Li took a decisive step and stretched out his "hands" to pick it up. Because Jun Fengyu withdrew his arms, Ye Li's claws almost reached the man's chest, and then he stopped.

"..." The man raised his eyebrows.

Because the distance between the two of them suddenly shortened, the height gap was obviously prominent. He had to lower his head to look at her face, while she had to look up at him.

His face is very handsome, no matter from any angle, he is unbelievably handsome, and it is easy to attract people to be obsessed with him. Unfortunately, Ye Li is born with good self-control. When she looks at him, she will at most shake her head, and soon she regain composure.

"That... can you give it to me? I need it urgently, so you can make a condition with me." She spoke quickly, losing her usual determination and calmness, and she also let go of her cold airs, adding a touch of negotiability instead. plea.

Words like "Yes", she would only say to people like Zi Jing or Zi Lian who are close to her, and she has always treated outsiders with the attitude that we don't know each other well, and I don't need to be polite to you, but Unfortunately, it was Jun Fengyu who opposed her today.

No matter in terms of favor, strength, grievances, etc., she must lower her social status and talk to others calmly.

Who let someone lend her money just now, and she is stronger than her, and she has never even had an enmity with her, but even helped her!

What is this called... This is called "I don't have the confidence to turn my face"!
Jun Fengyu didn't know what was going on in Ye Li's heart, so he just looked through the ring calmly, found out the three amethyst cards and the jade pendant that were handed to her before, but she didn't want them, and put them together On the pill box, hand it back to her again, "There is no reason to take back what you give out. This is my principle." His tone was bland and outrageous, but there was a hint of toughness that no one could question.

Ye Li was stunned with his hand still outstretched in the air, looking at him puzzled.

But he calmly put the box and those things in her hand, took a small half step back, opened the half-meter distance between them, and moved away the things that had been placed on her. The sight that never moved away from the body.

Or because of being held by him, there was still warmth on the box, which spread to her fingertips through the skin, and climbed up to her heart numbly.

(End of this chapter)

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