Leaf Queen

Chapter 605 The Calamity of Jingcheng

Chapter 605 The Calamity of Jingcheng (4)

"That's what happened after we went to Cangyue Forest to practice. At that time, the college was on vacation, and Nangong Jing and I returned to Jingcheng together. But not long after, the Jingcheng incident happened, and the city lord died suddenly. It was Zhao Ling's family that suddenly replaced the city lord's mansion. In the new round of family competitions, Zhao Ling took part in the battle qi competition under the identity of a pharmacist. All the contestants, Nan Gongjing was defending the penalty at the time, failed to compete, barely escaped, and I..." He raised his hand, a wry smile flashed in his eyes, "He crippled his whole body cultivation, and lived with ease. "

Ye Li frowned.

This Zhao Ling is really lingering. Back then, he made trouble at Golden Phoenix Academy, but now he has moved to Jingcheng.

"That day, after he got the head of the big competition, he announced to the public that the reason why he has such a strong strength for a while is because he took a kind of medicine called Tianling Pill. You only need one. The speed of cultivation will be increased by ten times, and even waste materials can be turned into geniuses. And the city lord's mansion distributes it for free, and anyone who wants it can get it."

"Originally, the people of Jingcheng were quite critical of the fact that the Zhao family occupied the city lord's mansion, but after this incident, everyone was grateful to the city lord's mansion, and even worshiped the Zhao family as if they were gods. Now on the street, anyone who says A bad word about the city lord's mansion will be besieged by the public and beaten to death."

"Since those people took those elixirs, they began to change little by little. Their strength improved rapidly, but their personalities also became extremely indifferent and selfish. They only defended the Zhao family extremely."

"Heavenly Spirit Pill? Improve your cultivation?" Ye Li was surprised.

Murong Yue nodded, and just about to say something, suddenly, he slapped the table violently, out of anger, "I remembered, I said that in the year since I came back, why did my mother who always loved me become so indifferent, And she is the greatest Zeng, she must have taken that kind of elixir."

"Damn it, doesn't she know that Zhao Ling and I are rivals? How could he go to curry favor with the Zhao family?" Murong Yue became angrier as she spoke.

Ye Li raised his eyebrows, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Heavenly Spirit Pill can quickly improve cultivation, but when she checked the woman's body just now, how did she find that she was completely exhausted without even a trace of spiritual energy, and more importantly, her dantian was rotten...

If she guessed correctly, Murong Yue's mother's illness must have something to do with Tian Tian's panacea.

Just thinking about it, the woman on the bed slowly opened her eyes and slowly sat up.

Seeing this, Murong Yue immediately stepped forward to support her mother, "Mother, you're awake."

The woman stared at Murong Yue for a long time, then suddenly hugged her, sobbing softly.

Murong Yue was at a loss for a moment, so she could only hug her and comfort her softly.

Ye Li tactfully walked out of the room, helped close the door by the way, left the inn, and wandered on the street.

From morning to night, she stopped and walked around, almost getting a thorough understanding of the entire terrain of Jingcheng.

But apart from the weird people all over the street, the golden dragon she saw earlier disappeared without a trace.

Before entering Jingcheng, she saw Jingcheng surrounded by a group of black mist from above, but after entering Jingcheng, she felt that the city was full of pure holy spirit.

This strange feeling made her more and more suspicious.

I just feel that there is a terrifying conspiracy secretly brewing in Jingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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