Leaf Queen

Chapter 614 Beating the dog to lure the owner

Chapter 614 Beating the dog to lure the owner (3)

Not only did he kill them, but he also crushed their souls so that they would never be reborn, although...he also thought that these people deserved to die...

"Go, continue." Ye Li pursed her lips and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Jian Zhu jumped up and down twice, and said with a smirk: "Let's go, beat the dog!"

It is said that since he ascended to become a god, he has not displayed his strength well, so he must show it off carefully today.

Therefore, from the city gate to the mansion, the group of three instinctively chose the most high-profile way of walking. They walked all the way, and the dead bodies lying all the way kept screaming, just like a gang of bandits robber.

Wherever he goes, nothing grows.

When they had crushed to the front of the main hall of the city lord's mansion, a man in black in a black cloak quietly appeared on the roof, looking down at Ye Li and making three beeps.

Against the background of the moonlight, the air of death lingering around him could be vaguely seen. The whole person was indifferent and silent, like a dead person.

"Finally, a real master has appeared." Jian Zhu looked the man from head to toe, narrowed his eyes, "I thought I was a human, but I turned out to be a ghost!"

His whole body was full of dead breath and resentment was pressing, this should be the resentment that Nangong Jing was talking about.

"Ignorant boy, if you dare to come to the city lord's mansion to seek death, you really don't know how to live or die." The man said quietly, his voice was hoarse and low, with a dangerous aura.

However, Jian Zhu was not afraid of his aura at all, instead he said to Ye Li with a smile: "Ye Li, did you hear that, isn't this our former mentor Roland?" After finishing speaking, he looked at Heidou again People, "Mr. Luo, when did you die, and you didn't send someone to notify me. I'm coming to offer you my condolences!"

The air around Heidou's body became obviously colder, and he let out an eerie laugh, "Condolences to me?"

"That's good, you can go to hell to mourn me..." His whole body calmed down, like a sculpture, and stood there motionless.

Suddenly, five black figures flashed, like Roland, all wearing black cloaks, and thick black mist lingered around them.

"Kill them for me." Roland said casually.

Wu Mo's still figure suddenly rushed towards Ye Li and the others, and Jian Zhu rushed forward first, with holy light shining all over his body.

The five resentful souls seemed to sense something extremely frightening, and their movements slowed down a bit.

Jian Zhu guessed that this kind of creature was afraid of the light of the gods, sneered, and jumped towards them with lightning speed, imitating Ye Li's chic action of killing Zhao Ling just now, clasped the caps of the heavenly spirits of those people, and squeezed them hard.

In an instant, the five black shadows disappeared, and the wind blew past, ushering in wisps of coolness, and the five black fighters seemed to have never appeared.

Jian Zhu stood on the spot, crossed his arms, and looked at Roland with a smile, "How about Teacher Luo, what tricks do you have, I can't wait to mourn you, you should give me a chance!"

Luo Lan stood quietly on the eaves, motionless, but the growing death aura around him showed his crazy killing intent.

He suddenly flew down, raised his palm, and hit Jian Zhu hard.

Jian Zhu looked at the endless death in Roland's palms, and opened his eyes slightly. They were both resentful souls, and Roland seemed to be extraordinarily strong.

He was about to divert the divine power in his body to greet him with all his strength, but he saw that Roland was suddenly enveloped by a layer of green light barrier.

Turning around, I saw the force of nature surging in Ye Li's raised palm, controlling Roland's body.

Roland was trapped in the natural barrier, and his whole body twisted uncontrollably. While struggling, he knocked off the cloak covering his face...

(End of this chapter)

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