Leaf Queen

Chapter 627 Taking the Son of Heaven to Order the Princes

Chapter 627 Taking the Son of Heaven to Order the Princes (1)

"That's a good idea." Xiao Nian was the first to agree, "That Jun Ling is trying to usurp the throne, and the people of Golden Phoenix have long been dissatisfied with him, but he is fine, drinking and having fun all day long, indulging in women, and two days ago he even complained to my father I sent out invitations asking him to go to some kind of peach blossom banquet in three days, I just don’t know what it means.”

"My father also received this invitation and said he would take me with him!" Song Jin said in surprise.

Su Chen glanced at several people, smiled and said: "If I'm not wrong, all the important officials in the court have received this invitation, and as far as I know, this banquet is a Hongmen banquet, and its purpose should be to seize power."

"You mean Jun Ling is going to make some moves?" Tang Yue said.

Su Chen nodded slightly.

"That's all right, let's make a plan, three days later, we will overthrow Jun Ling's throne in one fell swoop." Xiao Nian analyzed rationally.

But Ye Li shook his head, "The more the matter of the Tianling Pill goes on, the more chaotic the imperial capital will be. We can't wait three days later."

"Then what do you mean?"

Ye Li narrowed his eyes dangerously, and slowly curled his lips: "Tonight, you guys come with me, just in time...you can give Jun Ling a surprise."

Several people raised their eyebrows together, seeing Ye Li's appearance of winning, they all broke into a cold sweat for Jun Ling.


At night, Lixuan Palace.

After Jun Qiting finished washing, she sat in front of the mirror in a white dress, combing her black hair.

Suddenly, a man in black came from behind her and covered her mouth. Before she could react, he spun around.

When she opened her eyes again, she was thrown on the soft bed. She glanced at her surroundings and saw Jun Ling walking towards her with a wicked smile.
"Brother Huang?" She was stunned for a moment, seeing Jun Ling approaching step by step, she subconsciously shrank back.

"My good sister, I heard that your strength has risen very fast recently, is it true?" Jun Ling said with a bright smile.

A bad premonition rose in Jun Qiting's heart, she subconsciously crawled off the bed and hid aside.

Jun Ling looked Jun Qiting from head to toe, because she had just taken a bath and she was only wearing underwear, showing her graceful figure, which was very attractive.

He swallowed hard and rubbed his hands together, "I heard that if you seek a double cultivation of jade girls, your strength will be improved quickly. I have encountered some obstacles in my cultivation recently, and I have played with all the other women in the palace. Why don't you come and help me?" Can you help Brother Huang?" He quickly approached Jun Qiting.

Jun Qiting was shocked, and quickly dodged Jun Ling's attack, and looked at him angrily, "I'm your sister, how can you treat me like this?"

Jun Ling, who was dodged, had a tinge of madness on his face, wisps of black mist emanating from his body, suddenly turned his head, and stared at Jun Qiting fiercely.

Jun Qiting froze, a little frightened by Jun Ling like this.

Suddenly, Jun Ling pounced on Jun Qiting like a hungry wolf. Before Jun Qiting could react, she heard the clothes on her body "hiss—" twice, being torn to pieces and floating to the ground.

"Don't—" she screamed.

Jun Ling ignored her, ravaged her pure and flawless body wantonly, and pushed her towards the bed.

Jun Qiting resisted with all her strength, shaking her head desperately, "Don't, don't do this to me... Please, Brother Huang, don't..." Her eyes slowly filled with bloodshot eyes.

But seeing Jun Ling's eyes flashing with an evil and domineering light, he removed the only piece of cloth on her body with one hand, and buried his head on her shoulder.

Jun Qiting yelled frantically, slapped Jun Ling on the back, pushed him away, and ran out of bed in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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