Leaf Queen

Chapter 656 Tailor-made routines for you

Chapter 656 Tailor-made routines for you (1)

Bei Chenli's face was gloomy, and the whites of his eyes turned blood red because of anger.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and smiled angrily, "Ye Li, I left a surprise for you, I wonder if you can bear it?"

"My lord's surprise, in layman's terms, is horror. I'm used to it, so why can't I bear it?" Ye Li stopped three meters in front of Beichen, with a determined smile on his lips.

"Really?" Bei Chenli expressed doubts, crossed his arms around his chest, and a hint of sinisterness flashed across his eyes, and said with a strange air: "This is guaranteed to be an exciting surprise, but it is much stronger than the impact of five thousand eight hundred resentful souls." .”

Ye Li raised his eyebrows, noncommittal, but his heart became slightly dignified.

Bei Chenli has always been cruel and ruthless. Compared with Wushuang and Su Qingcheng in the past, her faults are even worse. She seems to be in trouble...

"Come on, Roland, let's start." He waved his hand and looked at Ye Li with a half-smile.

Roland appeared behind him like a ghost, said "yes" in a low voice, then stepped back, stretched out a pair of white bone claws, and quickly formed a seal.

Wisps of black mist spread from between his palms, slowly seeping into the endless land.

Suddenly, the hundreds of thousands of troops placed in the rear let out a shrill scream, and blood splashed out in all directions, pumping into the sky, and the stars were brilliant blood mist.

Ye Li looked in surprise, in just a few minutes, the sky ahead was stained red by the blood of hundreds of thousands of troops, and the densely packed armored soldiers fell down one by one.

Immediately afterwards, their corpses turned into blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, seeping into the ground.

A dazzling light shone from the ground, and a large formation formed where the soldiers died. Blood spread along the lines of the formation, slowly forming a blood-red barrier.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light flashed, and countless figures were summoned into the formation.

Ye Li looked carefully, his face changed, and his eyes widened slightly.

They are the people of the Golden Phoenix Kingdom, to be precise...the mutants who have taken the Heavenly Spirit Pill.

All of them opened their eyes dully, like zombies, and at a glance, there were about 6 to [-] people.

"How?" Bei Chenli looked at Ye Li jokingly, "Here are all the people in the Golden Phoenix Kingdom who have taken the Heavenly Spirit Pill, but none of them were left behind, and they were all summoned by you."

Ye Li suppressed the killing intent in his eyes, hooked his lips, and looked at Bei Chenli with a narrow smile: "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Bei Chenli, who caught Ye Li's weakness, smiled intriguingly. He stepped into the air, took two steps towards Ye Li, stood beside her, bent down, leaned his head towards her, and said in a low voice: " What do I think, don't you know?"

"If I now order this group of mutants to attack the Golden Phoenix for me, will you kill or not?"

Ye Li clenched his fists into Shang Beichen's sinister and cunning eyes, and his hands hidden in his sleeves, maintaining his usual calmness.

Bei Chenli was obviously trying to plot against her with the word "benevolence and righteousness".

The people of Golden Phoenix are innocent people who took the Tianling Pill without knowing it. They are the victims. Even if they do something outrageous now, they cannot do without the word "innocent". If she kills them, she will forever be charged with crimes such as "inhumanity" and "cruelty of innocents".

At that time, let alone unify the human race, Baili Xingchi will never let her go.

"Tell me your conditions." She smiled faintly, and chose to take a step back first.

(End of this chapter)

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