Leaf Queen

Chapter 662 Tailor-made routines for you

Chapter 662 Tailor-made routines for you (7)

Bei Chenli suddenly rushed to Ye Li's side, holding her chin firmly, "What did you just say?"

Ye Li smiled and said, "Deaf? Do you want me to cure it for you? You know, I'm still a top alchemist!"

Bei Chenli stared at her fiercely, with five fingers, and with a flick of his heart, he slammed down her chin.

Immediately, "Slap!" slapped Ye Li's face, and roared, "Bitch!"

Ye Li was thrown on the ground by him. He was like a wild beast, unwilling to be fooled by a little girl who had been wise for thousands of years. Suddenly, he violently kicked Ye Li's body and stepped on her stomach. .

He put his own strength on his feet, and every time he kicked, he could vaguely hear the sound of Ye Li's bones breaking.

Ye Li silently curled up on the ground, gritted his teeth, and endured Bei Chenli's insult, calculating Bei Chenli's anger in his heart.

When dealing with the enemy, everything she did was justified. She took the initiative to talk to him so much... Of course, she had to recover some of the cost.

"Dare to plot against me! Slut!" Bei Chenli stepped on Ye Li's wrist fiercely, and beat him hard twice.

There was a bone-crushing sound, Ye Li didn't respond as if she didn't know the pain, but looked at him with a pair of indifferent and ironic eyes when he turned her face.

As long as he is a man, he has a certain desire to conquer, not to mention that a king like Beichenli who stands on the high end is facing his most ruthless little bitch.

Seeing Ye Li's stubborn appearance, he suddenly transformed into a knife, stabbed fiercely into Ye Li's heart, and smiled viciously.

Just when he was about to turn the dagger around, suddenly: "噗嗤——" His heart hurts.

He froze for a moment, then looked down.

The hidden blade pierced into his heart unexpectedly, and he didn't even notice it.

Immediately afterwards, his hand holding the dagger that pierced Ye Li's heart hurt, and he screamed heart-piercingly.

It was Ye Li who grabbed his hand, pulled out the dagger that had pierced her heart, and twisted his hand fiercely in a circle.

Taking advantage of his unbearable pain, he held the hidden blade that pierced his chest and spun it around fiercely. In an instant, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves spread throughout the world, piercing Ye Li's eardrums with pain.

Ye Li pulled out the hidden blade, took two steps back, looked at Bei Chenli who fell to the ground, twisting his body in pain, raised his lips, smiled harmlessly and purely, "A generation of god kings can't even bear this pain, It really failed completely."

After finishing speaking, she took two steps forward, stepped on him from half-sat, stepped on the ground, stepped on his proud face, and said again: "This battle, you lost again!"

You lose again!

He lost again, Bei Chenli was completely shocked, lay on the ground, struggled a few times, then gave up completely, heart ashamed.

In fact, he would not have lost. It is undeniable that Ye Li is indeed very smart, but if he hadn't been too conceited, how could he have lost so thoroughly.

He used the "love" in Ye Li's heart to set her up, but Ye Li grabbed his conceited nature and designed him again and again, but he didn't realize it.

"I won't kill you, because the time for you to die has not yet come, so it's better like this..." Ye Li smiled, and the dagger in his hand flipped around randomly, and slowly stretched towards Beichenli's dantian.

Xiexie smiled, and Mudi stabbed down hard.

"Ah!!!" Bei Chenli screamed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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